02.08.2013 Aufrufe

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...


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10<br />

EN<br />

To connect the cooker to a gas cylinder, screw on a<br />

min. 0,5 m long metal junction pipe provided with an<br />

end junction hose (8 x 1 mm) onto the lead-in pipe.<br />

The gas-supply pipe must not get in contact with<br />

the protective metal elements on the cooker’s rear<br />

wall. Check up if the junctions are leak-proof.<br />

It is advisable to tighten the junctions by insulating<br />

teflon tape.<br />

Overtightening (max. tightening torque – 20 Nm) or<br />

using glue can result in junction damage and lead<br />

to gas leak.<br />

In plant, the gas cooker has been pre-adjusted for<br />

operating on AC power and single-phase current<br />

(230 volt ~ 50 hz). First check up if the AC outlet<br />

complies with the cooker’s electric capacity, then<br />

plug in.<br />

The power outlet should have a zero phase.<br />


of the connection to the gas supply pipe or<br />

gas cylinder using soap suds only. Don’t<br />

use open flame – danger to life!

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