Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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268 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 Sir,' IV THE FEDERAL MINISTER FOR. FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Hague, 8 April 1960 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note of today's date, the text of which, translated into German, reads as follows [See note III] I have taken note of the terms of your note. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. His Excellency Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands The Hague Sir, V THE FEDERAL MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Signed) VON BRENTANO The Hague, 8 April 1960 With reference to article 45 of the Frontier Treaty signed today, I have the honour to confirm that, after completion of the construction works mentioned in article 49, paragraph 1, of the Frontier Treaty, refusal of passage in transit will in practice be restricted entirely to cases where valid reason for suspicion exists. In particular, the smooth flow of transit traffic will not be impeded through the imposition by German frontier control and Customs officers of such supervision of transit traffic as would be tantamount to frontier clearance. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. His Excellency Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands The Hague No. 7404 (Signed) VON BRENTANO

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Tr 4itds 269 Monsieur le- Ministre, IV LE MINISTRE FADARAL DES AFFAIRES ItTRANGtIRES La Haye, le 8 avril 1960 J'ai l'honneur d'accuser reception de votre lettre de ce jour, dont le texte est le suivanf;: [Voir note III] J'ai pris connaissance de la teneur de votre lettre. Je vous prie d'agrder, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur J. M. A. H. Luns Ministre des affaires trangres du Royaume des Pays-Bas En ville Monsieur le Ministre, V LE MINISTRE FP-D]RAL DES AFFAIRES tTRANGtRES (Signi) VON BRENTANO La Haye, le 8 avril 1960 Me rdfdrant A l'article 45 du Traitd de fronti~re signd ce jour, j'ai 'honneur de confirmer qu'une fois terminas les ouvrages d'art sp6cifids & l'article 49, paragraphe 1, dudit Trait6, 1interdiction de transit sera en pratique limitde aux seuls cas de suspicion fondde. En particulier, les agents des douanes et de la police allemandes ne g~neront pas la bonne marche du trafic de transit en exergant, sur la route de transit, une surveillance qui dquivaille A. des formalit6s de passage de la frontire. Je vous prie d'agr6er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur J. M. A. H. Luns Ministre des affaires 6trangres du Royaume des Pays-Bas En vile (Signi) VON BRENTANO No 7404

268 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

Sir,'<br />

IV<br />


The Hague, 8 April 1960<br />

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note of today's date, the text<br />

of which, translated into German, reads as follows<br />

[See note III]<br />

I have taken note of the terms of your note.<br />

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.<br />

His Excellency Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs<br />

of the Kingdom of the Netherlands<br />

The Hague<br />

Sir,<br />

V<br />


(Signed) VON BRENTANO<br />

The Hague, 8 April 1960<br />

With reference to article 45 of the Frontier <strong>Treaty</strong> signed today, I have the<br />

honour to confirm that, after completion of the construction works mentioned in<br />

article 49, paragraph 1, of the Frontier <strong>Treaty</strong>, refusal of passage in transit will in<br />

practice be restricted entirely to cases where valid reason for suspicion exists. In particular,<br />

the smooth flow of transit traffic will not be impeded through the imposition<br />

by German frontier control and Customs officers of such supervision of transit traffic<br />

as would be tantamount to frontier clearance.<br />

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.<br />

His Excellency Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs<br />

of the Kingdom of the Netherlands<br />

The Hague<br />

No. 7404<br />


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