Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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242 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 accordance with the terms of section 2 with respect to motor traffic between the properties situated on the German side and with respect to motor traffic between those properties and the other parts of the Municipality of Suderwick. The certificate referred to in section 2 shall not be required in the case of occupants of the aforementioned properties ; if such persons are over fourteen years of age, however, they must when using the roads carry an official document bearing a photograph for identification purposes. Motor traffic through Netherlands territory between the aforementioned properties and the other parts of the Municipality of Suderwick shall be permissible only via the German frontier posts at Suderwick and BrUggenhitte. Persons entering or leaving via the aforementioned frontier posts must, upon request, show proof that they fulfil the conditions for exemption from duties and charges under the terms of section 2. 5. German frontier control and Customs officers shall have a right of passage in accordance with the terms of section 2 with respect to the Netherlands section of the Anholtse Weg and of the Heelweg. 6. The drainage system built by the Municipality of Dinxperlo in the area southeast of the Anholtse Weg and the Heelweg shall remain connected with the Dinxperlo drainage system. The drain under the southern footway of the Heelweg shall not be disconnected. No alterations in, or new connexions with, the existing drainage system shall be effected by the German side except by agreement with the Municipality of Dinxperlo. The Municipality of Dinxperlo shall be responsible for the maintenance of the drainage system. The necessary maintenance work may be carried out in German territory subject to the approval of the competent German agencies. The Municipality of Dinxperlo and the Amtsverwaltung Liedern-Werth shall conclude an agreement concerning the payments to be made to the aforementioned municipality in consideration of the use of the drainage system. Course of the frontier Section 34 ZwillbrockfEibergen (a) From intermediate boundary-stone 42 between boundary-stones 806 and 807 near the Netherlands Customs post on the southern side of the highway from Vreden to Groenlo, the new frontier shall cross that highway and shall then run along the eastern side of the Veengoot to the old frontier between boundary-stones 808/40 and 809/39. (b) From the intersection of the old frontier between boundary-stones 809a and 809b with the southern side of the Veengoot, the new frontier shall run in a generally northerly direction along the eastern side of the Veengoot and of the Ramsbeek-and wherever there is a dike, along the eastern side of the dike-to the old frontier between boundary-stones 811/36 and 811/35. Special provisions The Kingdom of the Netherlands undertakes to make provision, through the Waterschap van de Berkel, for the restoration and maintenance, in accordance with the regulation plan carried into effect in 1939, of such drainage conditions as are required by the No; 7404

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 243 circulation int6rieure des vdhicules entre propri6t6s sises en territoire allemand ainsi que pour la circulation des v6hicules entre ces propri6t6s et le reste de la commune de Suderwick. Les habitants de ces propri6t6s ne seront pas tenus de poss6der l'attestation vis6e X l'article 2 ; ils devront toutefois, lorsqu'ils useront de ce droit de passage, etre munis d'une carte d'identit6 officielle avec photographie s'ils ont plus de 14 ans. La circulation des v6hicules en territoire nderlandais entre les propri6t6s en question et le reste de la commune de Suderwick ne pourra se faire que par les postes fronti~res allemands de Suderwick et de Brdiggenhiitte. Les personnes qui entreront ou sortiront par ces postes fronti~res devront, sur demande, 6tablir qu'elles remplissent les conditions 6nonc6es h larticle 2 pour l'exemption des droits de douane. 5. Sur la partie n6erlandaise du Anholtse Weg et du Heelweg, les agents des douanes et de la police allemandes jouiront du droit de passage pr6vu I l'article 2. 6. Les canalisations construites par la municipalit6 de Dinxperlo au sud-est du Anholtse Weg et du Heelweg resteront reli6es au syst~me d'6gouts de Dinxperlo. L'6gout qui se trouve sous le trottoir sud du Heelweg n'en sera pas s6par6. Nul changement ou nouveau raccordement au syst~me d'6gouts actuel ne devra Atre fait du c6t6 allemand sans l'accord pr6alable de la municipalit6 de Dinxperlo. La municipalit6 de Dinxperlo sera charg6e de l'entretien du syst~me d'6gouts. Les travaux d'entretien n6cessaires pourront tre ex6cut6s en territoire allemand sous r6serve de l'approbation des autorit6s allemandes comp6tentes. La municipalit6 de Dinxperlo et l'Amtsverwaltung de Liedern-Werth concluront un accord sur les paiements & faire L ladite municipalit6 pour l'utilisation du syst~me d'6gouts. Tracd de la frontire Article 34 Zwillbrock/Eibergen a) De la borne interm6diaire 42 entre les bornes fronti~res 806 et 807, pros du poste de douane n6erlandais situ6 sur le c6t6 sud de la route de Vreden a Groenlo, la nouvelle fronti~re traverse la route et suit le bord est du Veengoot jusqu'X l'ancienne fronti~re, entre les bornes 808/40 et 809/39. b) Du point d'intersection de l'ancienne fronti~re - entre les bornes 809a et, 809b - et du c6t6 sud du Veengoot, la nouvelle fronti~re suit en direction g6n6rale du nord le bord est du Veengoot et du Ramsbeek - lorsqu'il y a des digues, le bord est de celles-ci - jusqu'h l'ancienne fronti~re, entre les bornes 811/36 et 811/35. Clauses particulires Le Royaume des Pays-Bas s'engage i assurer, par l'interm6diaire deLa Waterschap van de Berkel, la remise en 6tat et l'entretien, conform6ment au plan de r6gularisation entr6 en vigueur en 1939, du syst~me de drainage requis du c6t6 allemend par le Wasser- No 7404

242 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

accordance with the terms of section 2 with respect to motor traffic between the properties<br />

situated on the German side and with respect to motor traffic between those properties and<br />

the other parts of the Municipality of Suderwick. The certificate referred to in section 2<br />

shall not be required in the case of occupants of the aforementioned properties ; if such<br />

persons are over fourteen years of age, however, they must when using the roads carry<br />

an official document bearing a photograph for identification purposes. Motor traffic<br />

through Netherlands territory between the aforementioned properties and the other<br />

parts of the Municipality of Suderwick shall be permissible only via the German frontier<br />

posts at Suderwick and BrUggenhitte. Persons entering or leaving via the aforementioned<br />

frontier posts must, upon request, show proof that they fulfil the conditions for exemption<br />

from duties and charges under the terms of section 2.<br />

5. German frontier control and Customs officers shall have a right of passage in<br />

accordance with the terms of section 2 with respect to the Netherlands section of the Anholtse<br />

Weg and of the Heelweg.<br />

6. The drainage system built by the Municipality of Dinxperlo in the area southeast<br />

of the Anholtse Weg and the Heelweg shall remain connected with the Dinxperlo<br />

drainage system. The drain under the southern footway of the Heelweg shall not be disconnected.<br />

No alterations in, or new connexions with, the existing drainage system<br />

shall be effected by the German side except by agreement with the Municipality of Dinxperlo.<br />

The Municipality of Dinxperlo shall be responsible for the maintenance of the<br />

drainage system. The necessary maintenance work may be carried out in German<br />

territory subject to the approval of the competent German agencies. The Municipality of<br />

Dinxperlo and the Amtsverwaltung Liedern-Werth shall conclude an agreement concerning<br />

the payments to be made to the aforementioned municipality in consideration of the use of<br />

the drainage system.<br />

Course of the frontier<br />

Section 34<br />

ZwillbrockfEibergen<br />

(a) From intermediate boundary-stone 42 between boundary-stones 806 and 807 near<br />

the Netherlands Customs post on the southern side of the highway from Vreden to Groenlo,<br />

the new frontier shall cross that highway and shall then run along the eastern side of the<br />

Veengoot to the old frontier between boundary-stones 808/40 and 809/39.<br />

(b) From the intersection of the old frontier between boundary-stones 809a and 809b<br />

with the southern side of the Veengoot, the new frontier shall run in a generally northerly<br />

direction along the eastern side of the Veengoot and of the Ramsbeek-and wherever there<br />

is a dike, along the eastern side of the dike-to the old frontier between boundary-stones<br />

811/36 and 811/35.<br />

Special provisions<br />

The Kingdom of the Netherlands undertakes to make provision, through the Waterschap<br />

van de Berkel, for the restoration and maintenance, in accordance with the regulation<br />

plan carried into effect in 1939, of such drainage conditions as are required by the<br />

No; 7404

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