Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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20 United Natians - Treaty Series 1964 [TRANSLATION -. TRADUCTION] N6.:7404. GENERAL TREATY' BETWEEN THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS AND THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF FRONTIER QUESTIONS AND OTHER PROBLEMS OUTSTANDING BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES (TREATY OF SET- TLEMENT). SIGNED AT THE HAGUE, ON 8 APRIL 1960 Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Desiring to further the friendly relations between the two countries and to create the most favourable conditions possible for the policy of Western co-operation and European integration pursued by both States, Have agreed to settle by treaty, so far as their laws permit, disputes outstanding between their two countries, And for that purpose have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Mr. H. R. van Houten, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, The President of the Federal Republic of Germany: Mr. Heinrich von Brentano, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Rolf Lahr, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: Article 1 With a view to regulating matters relating to the course of the common frontier, the boundary waters, real property situated near the frontier, traffic crossing the ' The General Treaty, together with the treaties and agreements published on page 148 of this volume and pp. 64, 140, 194, 238, 246 and 258 of volume 509 of the United Nations Treaty Series, which form an integral part of the General Treaty (see articles 1 and 2), came into force .on 1 August 1963, one month after the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which took place at Bonn on 1 July1963, in accordance with article 4 of the General Treaty, article 15 of the Supplementary Agreement to the Ems-Dollard Treaty and article 4 of the Supplementary Agreement to the Financial Treaty.. So far as the Netherlands is concerned, the above-mentioned instruments apply to the Kingdom in Europe, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles, except for the Financial Treaty and the Additional Agreement thereto, which apply only to the Kingdom in Europe. So far as the Federal Republic of Germany is concerned, the above-mentioned instruments apply also to Land Berlin.

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 21 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] NO 7404. TRAITR GRNRtRAL' ENTRE LE ROYAUME DES PAYS-BAS ET LA RtRPUBLIQUE FIRDR]RALE D'ALLE- MAGNE POUR LE RkGLEMENT DE QUESTIONS DE FRONTIkRE ET D'AUTRES PROBLkMES EXISTANT * ENTRE LES DEUX PAYS (TRAITt DE RftGLEMENT). SIGNt A LA HAYE, LE 8 AVRIL 1960 Sa Majest6 la Reine des Pays-Bas et le President de la R~publique f~ddrale d'Allemagne, Dsireux de favoriser les relations d'amitid entre les deux pays et de crier des conditions aussi favorables que possible pour la politique de collaboration occidentale et d'intdgration europ6enne suivie par les deux P-tats, Sont convenus de rdgler par voie de trait6, dans toute la mesure oil le permet le droitj l'ensemble des diff~rends entre les deux pays, Et ont k cette fin nomm pour leurs pldnipotentiaires: Sa Majestd la Reine des Pays-Bas : M. J. M. A. H. Luns, Ministre des affaires 6trang~res et M. H. R. van Houten, Secr~taire d'gtat aux affaires dtrang~res, Le President de la R~publique fMdrale d'Allemagne: FEM. Heinrich von Brentano, Ministre f~d~ral des affaires 6trang~res et M. Rolf Lahr, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et pl~nipotentiaire, Lesquels, apr~s avoir 6chang6 leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouv~s en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit: Article premier Pour le r~glement des questions int~ressant le trac6 de la fronti~re terrestre commune, les eaux fronti~resl les biens fonciers situ~s . proximit6 de la fronti~re, le 1 Le Traitd g46ndral ainsi que les traitds et accords publids k la page 149 de ce volume et aux pages.65, 141, 195, 239, 247 et 259 du volume 509 du Recueil des Traits des Nations Unies, qui font partie int6grante du Traitd g~ndral (voir articles ler et 2), sont entrds en vigueur le let aofit 1963, un mois aprs l'6change des instruments de ratification qui a eu lieu h Bonn le let juillet 1963, conformment l'article 4 du Traitd gdndral, l'article 15 de l'Accord additionnel au Trait6 Ems-Dollart et l'article 4 de l'Accord additionnel au Traitd financier. En ce qui concerne les Pays-Bas, les actes susmentionn6s s'appliquent au Royaume en Europe, au Surinam et aux Antilles nderlandaises, & l'exception du Traitd financier et de l'Accord additionnel 4 ce TraitS, qui ne s'appliquent qu'au Royaume en Europe. En ce qui concerne-la Ripublique f~ddrale d'Allemagne, les actes susmentionnds s'appliquent dgalement. au Land de Berlin.

20 <strong>United</strong> Natians - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />








Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and the President of the Federal<br />

Republic of Germany,<br />

Desiring to further the friendly relations between the two countries and to create<br />

the most favourable conditions possible for the policy of Western co-operation and<br />

European integration pursued by both States,<br />

Have agreed to settle by treaty, so far as their laws permit, disputes outstanding<br />

between their two countries,<br />

And for that purpose have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:<br />

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands:<br />

Mr. J. M. A. H. Luns, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and<br />

Mr. H. R. van Houten, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,<br />

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany:<br />

Mr. Heinrich von Brentano, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, and<br />

Mr. Rolf Lahr, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,<br />

Who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have<br />

agreed as follows:<br />

Article 1<br />

With a view to regulating matters relating to the course of the common frontier,<br />

the boundary waters, real property situated near the frontier, traffic crossing the<br />

' The General <strong>Treaty</strong>, together with the treaties and agreements published on page 148 of<br />

this volume and pp. 64, 140, 194, 238, 246 and 258 of volume 509 of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong>Treaty</strong><br />

<strong>Series</strong>, which form an integral part of the General <strong>Treaty</strong> (see articles 1 and 2), came into force<br />

.on 1 August 1963, one month after the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which took place<br />

at Bonn on 1 July1963, in accordance with article 4 of the General <strong>Treaty</strong>, article 15 of the Supplementary<br />

Agreement to the Ems-Dollard <strong>Treaty</strong> and article 4 of the Supplementary Agreement to<br />

the Financial <strong>Treaty</strong>..<br />

So far as the Netherlands is concerned, the above-mentioned instruments apply to the<br />

Kingdom in Europe, Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles, except for the Financial <strong>Treaty</strong> and<br />

the Additional Agreement thereto, which apply only to the Kingdom in Europe. So far as the<br />

Federal Republic of Germany is concerned, the above-mentioned instruments apply also to<br />

Land Berlin.

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