Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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01.08.2013 Aufrufe

194 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 any measures planned by it to which objections have been raised by the other Party, unless the other Contracting Party consents to some other arrangement. 2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply if a Party to this Treaty cannot suspend the execution of the measures objected to without seriously endangering its interests. The rights of the other Contracting Party shall not be affected thereby. Article 63 1. If one of the Contracting Parties, notwithstanding the objections raised by the other Party under the terms of article 61, acts in violation of its obligations under this chapter or arising under any of the special agreements to be concluded as provided in article 59, thereby causing damage within the territory of the other Contracting Party, it shall be liable for damages. 2. Liability for damages shall arise in respect only of such damage as was sustained after the objections were raised. Article 64 For the purpose of promoting good-neighbourly co-operation in matters relating to boundary waters, the Contracting Parties establish a Permanent Netherlands- German Boundary Waters Commission. Article 65 1. Each Government shall appoint three expert members of the Commission, each group including one chairman, and their deputies. The first members of the Commission shall be appointed within a period of three months following the entry into force of this Treaty. 2. The Commission shall meet at least once every year and may, either at its discretion or upon the proposal of one of the two chairmen, hold additional meetings. The meetings shall be held in the two States alternately. Additional experts may be invited to attend the meetings of the Commission. 3. The two chairmen may communicate direct with each other on questions relating to the boundary waters. 4. The Commission may adopt rules of procedure to govern the conduct of its business. Article 66 1. It shall be the function of the Commission to deliberate jointly on all questions which may arise in the application of the provisions of this chapter and thereby to promote the implementation of the provisions of this chapter through mutual information and exchange of experience. No. 7404

1964 Nations Unies - Recteil des Traitgs 195 contre laquelle l'autre Partie aura soulev6 les objections, A moins que cette autre Partie n'accepte d'autres arrangements. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe 1 ci-dessus ne seront pas applicables si la Partie en cause ne peut surseoir A l'ex6cution des mesures en question sans compromettre gravement ses propres int6r6ts. Toutefois, les droits de l'autre Partie resteront intacts. Article 63 1. Si l'une des Parties contractantes, nonobstant les objections soulev~es par 'autre Partie conform~ment A l'article 61, agit en violation des obligations que lui imposent le pr6sent titre ou les accords spdciaux A conclure conform~ment l'article 59 et cause de ce fait des dommages sur le territoire de l'autre Partie, elle sera tenue A. r~paration. 2. L'obligation de r~parer sera limit6e aux dommages survenus avant la presentation des objections. Article 64 Pour favoriser, dans un esprit de bon voisinage, la cooperation au sujet des questions touchant les eaux fronti~res, les Parties contractantes cr~ent une Commission permanente germano-n~erlandaise des eaux fronti6res. Article 65 1. Chacun des Gouvernements nommera It la Commission trois experts, dont un president, et leurs suppl6ants. Les premiers membres de la Commission seront nomm~s dans les trois mois de 1'entr6e en vigueur du present Trait& 2. La Commission se r~unira au moins une fois Fan. Elle pourra en outre se r6unir quand elle le jugera bon ou i la demande de 1'un des deux prdsidents. Les r6unions auront lieu alternativement dans chacun des deux ttats. D'autres experts pourront 6tre invites h participer aux seances. 3. Les presidents pourront communiquer directement l'un avec 'autre au sujet des questions touchant les eaux fronti~res. 4. La Commission pourra adopter un r~glement int~rieur pour la conduite de ses travaux. Article 66 1. La Commission favorisera 'ex6cution des dispositions du pr6sent titre au moyen de d6lib6rations sur toutes les questions que soul~vera l'application desdites dispositions, et par '6change de renseignements et de donn6es d'exp6rience. N- 7404

194 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

any measures planned by it to which objections have been raised by the other Party,<br />

unless the other Contracting Party consents to some other arrangement.<br />

2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply if a Party to this <strong>Treaty</strong> cannot suspend the<br />

execution of the measures objected to without seriously endangering its interests.<br />

The rights of the other Contracting Party shall not be affected thereby.<br />

Article 63<br />

1. If one of the Contracting Parties, notwithstanding the objections raised by<br />

the other Party under the terms of article 61, acts in violation of its obligations under<br />

this chapter or arising under any of the special agreements to be concluded as provided<br />

in article 59, thereby causing damage within the territory of the other Contracting<br />

Party, it shall be liable for damages.<br />

2. Liability for damages shall arise in respect only of such damage as was<br />

sustained after the objections were raised.<br />

Article 64<br />

For the purpose of promoting good-neighbourly co-operation in matters relating<br />

to boundary waters, the Contracting Parties establish a Permanent Netherlands-<br />

German Boundary Waters Commission.<br />

Article 65<br />

1. Each Government shall appoint three expert members of the Commission,<br />

each group including one chairman, and their deputies. The first members of the<br />

Commission shall be appointed within a period of three months following the entry<br />

into force of this <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

2. The Commission shall meet at least once every year and may, either at its<br />

discretion or upon the proposal of one of the two chairmen, hold additional meetings.<br />

The meetings shall be held in the two States alternately. Additional experts may<br />

be invited to attend the meetings of the Commission.<br />

3. The two chairmen may communicate direct with each other on questions<br />

relating to the boundary waters.<br />

4. The Commission may adopt rules of procedure to govern the conduct of its<br />

business.<br />

Article 66<br />

1. It shall be the function of the Commission to deliberate jointly on all<br />

questions which may arise in the application of the provisions of this chapter and<br />

thereby to promote the implementation of the provisions of this chapter through<br />

mutual information and exchange of experience.<br />

No. 7404

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