Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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176 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 4. The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall recognize final judgements of German courts relating to claims guaranteed, under the terms of paragraph 2, by the Kingdom. The same shall apply to amicable settlements, whether in or out of court, provided that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has consented or consents thereto. 5. Where the Kingdom of the Netherlands meets a claim under the terms of paragraph 2, the Kingdom shall automatically be subrogated for the claimant vis-avis the persons liable. 6. If a vehicle of the Netherlands State is involved in the incident resulting in damage, the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall submit to the jurisdiction of the German courts with respect to claims arising out of such damage. Article 38 Netherlands police, frontier control and Customs officers may use the Schinveld- Koningsbosch road while on duty. They shall be entitled when so doing, to wear their uniform or an official badge visibly and to take with them their service weapons, vehicles, official equipment and police dogs. They may not, however, perform any official acts. Article 39 1. A valid Netherlands residence permit for aliens, bearing a photograph, shall be accepted as a frontier crossing paper for the purpose of transit traffic. Holders of such permits shall be exempted from German visa requirements. 2. Drivers of goods vehicles and their assistants may be allowed to travel over the roads referred to in article 33, sub-paragraphs (b) to (g), without recognized frontier crossing papers, if they identify themselves by means of an official document bearing a photograph. Article 40 1. Individuals may be barred from transit traffic for reasons of public security. 2. Prisoners may be conveyed in transit traffic only with the consent of the competent German authorities. Article 41 The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall without formality accept delivery of any person who entered the Federal Republic of Germany in transit traffic within one year following the date on which he crossed the frontier, unless he has been granted an unlimited residence permit. If subsequent investigation by the Netherlands authorities shows that the person concerned did not enter the Federal Republic of Germany No. 7404

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 177 4.* Le Royaume des Pays-Bas reconnaitra les d6cisions d~finitives des tribunaux allemands concernant les crdances pour lesquelles les Pays-Bas se portent garants en vertu du paragraphe 2. Il en sera de mme des transactions judiciaires et extrajudiciaires, A condition que le Royaume des Pays-Bas les ait approuv~es ou les approuve. 5. Lorsque le Royaume des Pays-Bas rdglera une crdance en application du paragraphe 2, il sera automatiquement subrog6 a l'ayant droit vis-A-vis des personnes responsables. • 6. Si un v6hicule appartenant a l'1Rtat n~erlandais est impliqu6 dans un fait dommageable, le Royaume des Pays-Bas se soumettra a la juridiction des tribunaux allemands pour toutes demandes de r~paration y relatives. Article 38 Les agents des douanes et de la police nderlandaises pourront emprunter la route Schinveld-Koningsbosch dans leur service. Us pourront h cette occasion tre en uniforme ou porter de faqon apparente l'insigne de leurs fonctions, porter leurs armes et leur 6quipement, utiliser leurs vdhicules et 6tre accompagnds de leurs chiens. Ils ne pourront toutefois accomplir aucun acte de fonction. Article 39 1. Tout permis de sdjour valide muni d'une photographie, d6livrd aux 6trangers aux Pays-Bas, pourra tenir lieu de laissez-passer frontalier. Les titulaires dudit permis seront dispenses de l'obligation de possdder un visa allemand. 2. Les chauffeurs de poids lourds et leurs codquipiers pourront circuler sur les routes visdes aux alindas b A g de l'article 33 sans laissez-passer frontalier en bonne et due forme, a condition de justifier de leur identit6 l'aide d'une piece munie d'une photographie. Article 40 1. Le droit de transiter pourra 8tre refus6 A certaines personnes pour des raisons de sdcurit6 publique. 2. Le transport de ddtenus par les routes de transit ne sera autoris6 qu'avec l'accord des autoritds allemandes comptentes. Article 41 Le Royaume des Pays-Bas prendra en charge sans formalit6, dans un d6lai d'un an compter du jour oii elles auront franchi la fronti6re, toutes les personnes entr~es en transit dans la Rdpublique f~drale d'Allemagne et auxquelles un permis de sdj our de durde illimitde n'aura pas dt6 accord& Au cas oii les autoritds nderlandaises constateraient, apr~s v6rification, que des personnes qu'elles ont prises en charge ne sont pas No 7404

176 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

4. The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall recognize final judgements of German<br />

courts relating to claims guaranteed, under the terms of paragraph 2, by the Kingdom.<br />

The same shall apply to amicable settlements, whether in or out of court, provided<br />

that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has consented or consents thereto.<br />

5. Where the Kingdom of the Netherlands meets a claim under the terms of<br />

paragraph 2, the Kingdom shall automatically be subrogated for the claimant vis-avis<br />

the persons liable.<br />

6. If a vehicle of the Netherlands State is involved in the incident resulting in<br />

damage, the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall submit to the jurisdiction of the German<br />

courts with respect to claims arising out of such damage.<br />

Article 38<br />

Netherlands police, frontier control and Customs officers may use the Schinveld-<br />

Koningsbosch road while on duty. They shall be entitled when so doing, to wear<br />

their uniform or an official badge visibly and to take with them their service weapons,<br />

vehicles, official equipment and police dogs. They may not, however, perform any<br />

official acts.<br />

Article 39<br />

1. A valid Netherlands residence permit for aliens, bearing a photograph, shall<br />

be accepted as a frontier crossing paper for the purpose of transit traffic. Holders of<br />

such permits shall be exempted from German visa requirements.<br />

2. Drivers of goods vehicles and their assistants may be allowed to travel over<br />

the roads referred to in article 33, sub-paragraphs (b) to (g), without recognized<br />

frontier crossing papers, if they identify themselves by means of an official document<br />

bearing a photograph.<br />

Article 40<br />

1. Individuals may be barred from transit traffic for reasons of public security.<br />

2. Prisoners may be conveyed in transit traffic only with the consent of the<br />

competent German authorities.<br />

Article 41<br />

The Kingdom of the Netherlands shall without formality accept delivery of any<br />

person who entered the Federal Republic of Germany in transit traffic within one<br />

year following the date on which he crossed the frontier, unless he has been granted an<br />

unlimited residence permit. If subsequent investigation by the Netherlands authorities<br />

shows that the person concerned did not enter the Federal Republic of Germany<br />

No. 7404

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