Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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01.08.2013 Aufrufe

172 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 (b) Is normally resident there; (c) Is a Netherlander; (d) Has committed an offence against the security of the Netherlands State or against the dignity of the Crown; or (e) Has committed an offence which is punishable under Netherlands law but not under German law. 3. If an offender was acquitted or discharged in proceedings which were instituted with respect to an offence committed before the entry into force of this Treaty, and if the judgement has become final, he may not be prosecuted by the German authorities again for the same offence. The same shall apply if a sentence of a Netherlands court has become enforceable and has been or is being executed or has been remitted. Where remission of the sentence was conditional, the German authorities may prosecute if the remission is revoked by the Netherlands authorities. Otherwise, prosecution by the German authorities for an offence which has been adjudicated by the Netherlands courts shall be permissible only if a substantial public interest is involved. 4. In the execution of a sentence for an offence committed before the entry into force of this Treaty, allowance shall be made for any sentence for the same offence executed by the authorities of the other Contracting Party. CHAPTER 3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO SPECIFIED FRONTIER AREAS Article 32 Special provisions relating to specified frontier areas are set forth in articles 33 to 53 (transit traffic on the Schinveld-Koningsbosch road and via Elten, the Herzogenrath bypass), in article 54 (high-tension, gas, water and telephone lines), in article 55 (mining) and, wherever they relate directly to the determination of the course of specified sections of the frontier, in annexes A and B. Article 33 The Federal Republic of Germany shall permit persons and goods to pass on foot or by vehicle from the Netherlands to the Netherlands, in accordance with the terms of articles 34 to 49, along the following roads: (a) Schinveld-Koningsbosch, (b) Lobith-Elten-Beek, (c) Lobith-Elten-Babberich, (d) Lobith-Elten-Netherlands via Motorway E 36, (e) Spijk (boundary-stone 660)-Elten-Beek, No. 7404

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 173 b) Y a sa r6sidence permanente; c) Est de nationalit6 n~erlandaise; d) A commis un crime contre la sfiret6 de l'J1tat n~erlandais ou un crime de lMsemajest6 ; ou e) A commis un acte que punit la loi n6erlandaise mais non la loi allemande. 3. Si une personne poursuivie en justice A raison d'un d~lit commis avant l'entr~e en vigueur du present Trait6 est d~finitivement acquitt~e ou renvoy~e des fins de la poursuite, elle ne pourra 6tre de nouveau poursuivie par les autoritds allemandes A raison du m~me fait. Il en sera de m8me si le jugement de condamnation d'un tribunal n~erlandais est devenu ex~cutoire et que la peine prononc~e a 6t6 ex~cut~e, est en cours d'ex~cution ou a W remise. En cas de remise conditionnelle de la peine, les autorit~s allemandes pourront engager des poursuites si le sursis est r~voqu6 par les autorit~s n~erlandaises. Les poursuites ne pourront au demeurant 6tre engag~es par les autorit~s allemandes raison d'un fait sur lequel un tribunal n~erlandais s'est d~j a prononcd que si le bien de la socit l'exige. 4. Dans le cas d'une peine prononc~e k raison d'un acte commis avant l'entr~e en vigueur du present Trait6, il sera tenu compte de toute peine prononcde par les autorit~s de l'autre Partie contractante A raison du m~me acte. TITRE 3 DISPOSITIONS PARTICULIkRES Xi CERTAINS TERRITOIRES FRONTALIERS Article 32 Des dispositions particuli~res h certains territoires frontaliers sont pr~vues aux articles 33 A 53 (transit par la route Schinveld-Koningsbosch et par Elten, contournement d'Herzogenrath), 54 (lignes I haute tension, adduction d'eau et de gaz, lignes t~l~phoniques), 55 (exploitation des mines) et, dans la mesure oii elles se rapportent directement au trac6 de certains tron~ons de fronti~re, dans les annexes A et B. Article 33 Sous r~serve des conditions 6nonc6es aux articles 34 k 49, la Rdpublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne autorise le trafic de voyageurs et de marchandises, avec ou sans v6hicules, en provenance et A destination des Pays-Bas, par les routes suivantes: a) Schinveld-Koningsbosch, b) Lobith-Elten-Beek, c) Lobith-Elten-Babberich, d) Lobith-Elten-Pays-Bas, par l'autoroute E 36, e) Spijk (borne fronti~re 660)-Elten-Beek, 508 -12 N 7404

172 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

(b) Is normally resident there;<br />

(c) Is a Netherlander;<br />

(d) Has committed an offence against the security of the Netherlands State or<br />

against the dignity of the Crown; or<br />

(e) Has committed an offence which is punishable under Netherlands law but not<br />

under German law.<br />

3. If an offender was acquitted or discharged in proceedings which were instituted<br />

with respect to an offence committed before the entry into force of this <strong>Treaty</strong>,<br />

and if the judgement has become final, he may not be prosecuted by the German<br />

authorities again for the same offence. The same shall apply if a sentence of a Netherlands<br />

court has become enforceable and has been or is being executed or has been<br />

remitted. Where remission of the sentence was conditional, the German authorities<br />

may prosecute if the remission is revoked by the Netherlands authorities. Otherwise,<br />

prosecution by the German authorities for an offence which has been adjudicated<br />

by the Netherlands courts shall be permissible only if a substantial public interest is<br />

involved.<br />

4. In the execution of a sentence for an offence committed before the entry into<br />

force of this <strong>Treaty</strong>, allowance shall be made for any sentence for the same offence<br />

executed by the authorities of the other Contracting Party.<br />

CHAPTER 3<br />


Article 32<br />

Special provisions relating to specified frontier areas are set forth in articles 33<br />

to 53 (transit traffic on the Schinveld-Koningsbosch road and via Elten, the Herzogenrath<br />

bypass), in article 54 (high-tension, gas, water and telephone lines), in article 55<br />

(mining) and, wherever they relate directly to the determination of the course of<br />

specified sections of the frontier, in annexes A and B.<br />

Article 33<br />

The Federal Republic of Germany shall permit persons and goods to pass on<br />

foot or by vehicle from the Netherlands to the Netherlands, in accordance with the<br />

terms of articles 34 to 49, along the following roads:<br />

(a) Schinveld-Koningsbosch,<br />

(b) Lobith-Elten-Beek,<br />

(c) Lobith-Elten-Babberich,<br />

(d) Lobith-Elten-Netherlands via Motorway E 36,<br />

(e) Spijk (boundary-stone 660)-Elten-Beek,<br />

No. 7404

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