Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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01.08.2013 Aufrufe

152 United Nations - Treaty Series 1964 Article 3 1. Where the frontier defined in articles 1 and 2 deviates from the Netherlands- German frontier as it existed on 31 December 1937, its exact course shall be determined in situ by a Frontier Commission composed of representatives of the Governments of the Contracting Parties. The costs of demarcation shall be borne by the Contracting Parties equally. 2. The Frontier Commission may also be charged with the task of inspecting and, where necessary, renewing the demarcation of the frontier where it coincides with the Netherlands-German frontier as it existed on 31 December 1937, and of resurveying and mapping the entire frontier. Where the existing course of the frontier gives rise to substantial inconveniences, the Frontier Commission may propose minor adjustments of the frontier. CHAPTER 2 QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE TRANSFER OF FRONTIER AREAS Article 4 The Kingdom of the Netherlands renounces the rights transferred to it following the Second World War with respect to areas forming part of the German Reich on 31 December 1937 in which the Kingdom claimed such rights, and which under the terms of article 1 form part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Article 5 The Kingdom of the Netherlands renounces its rights with respect to areas forming part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 31 December 1937 which under the terms of article 1 form part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Article 6 The Federal Republic of Germany renounces its rights with respect to areas forming part of the German Reich on 31 December 1937 which under the terms of article 1 form part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Article 7 1. Public property, with all rights, encumbrances and liabilities, in the areas referred to in articles 4 and 5 shall vest in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the relevant public corporations in the Federal Republic. 2. Public property, with all rights, encumbrances and liabilities, in the areas referred to in article 6 shall vest in the Kingdom of the Netherlands or in the relevant public corporations in the Kingdom. No. 7404

1964 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 153 Article 3 1. Lorsque la frontire fixde aux articles premier et 2 s'6cartera de la fronti~re germano-nderlandaise existant au 31 d~cembre 1937, son trac6 exact sera d~termin6 sur place par une Commission de ddlimitation compos~e de repr~sentants des Gouvernements des Parties contractantes. Les frais occasionnds par les opdrations d'abornement seront partag6s par moiti6 entre les Parties contractantes. 2. La Commission de delimitation pourra en outre 6tre charg6e de v6rifier le bornage de la fronti~re l oii elle coincide avec la fronti6re germano-n~erlandaise existant au 31 d6cembre 1937, de le remettre en 6tat si besoin est, de faire un nouveau lev6 de l'ensemble de la frontire et d'en dtablir des cartes. Au cas oil le trac6 actuel pr~senterait des inconv6nients majeurs, la Commission pourra proposer de ldg~res rectifications de fronti~re. TITRE 2 QUESTIONS LIE-ES X LA CESSION DE TERRITOIRES FRONTALIERS Article 4 Le Royaunme des Pays-Bas renonce aux droits qui lui ont 6t6 transforms apr~s la seconde guerre mondiale sur les parties de territoire appartenant au Reich allemand au 31 d~cembre 1937, dans lesquelles les Pays-Bas ont fait valoir lesdits droits et qui appartiennent AL la R~publique f~d~rale d'Allemagne en vertu de l'article premier. Article 5 Le Royaume des Pays-Bas renonce A ses droits sur les parties de territoire qui appartenaient au Royanme des Pays-Bas au 31 ddcembre 1937 et qui appartiennent A la R~publique f~d~rale d'Allemagne en vertu de l'article premier. Article 6 La R~publique f~d6rale d'Allemagne renonce L ses droits sur les parties de territoire qui appartenaient au Reich allemand au 31 d6cembre 1937 et qui appartiennent au Royaume des Pays-Bas en vertu de l'article premier. Article 7 1. Les biens domaniaux situ~s dans les parties de territoire vis~es aux articles 4 et 5, avec tous les droits, charges et obligations qui s'y attachent, sont d6volus . la R6publique f~d~rale d'Allemagne ou aux personnes morales publiques comp~tentes de la R~publique f6d6rale. 2. Les biens domaniaux situ~s dans les parties de territoire vis~es h l'article 6, avec tousles droits, charges et obligations qui s'y attachent, sont d~volus au Royaume des Pays-Bas ou aux personnes morales publiques comptentes du Royaume. No 7404

152 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1964<br />

Article 3<br />

1. Where the frontier defined in articles 1 and 2 deviates from the Netherlands-<br />

German frontier as it existed on 31 December 1937, its exact course shall be determined<br />

in situ by a Frontier Commission composed of representatives of the Governments of<br />

the Contracting Parties. The costs of demarcation shall be borne by the Contracting<br />

Parties equally.<br />

2. The Frontier Commission may also be charged with the task of inspecting<br />

and, where necessary, renewing the demarcation of the frontier where it coinci<strong>des</strong><br />

with the Netherlands-German frontier as it existed on 31 December 1937, and of<br />

resurveying and mapping the entire frontier. Where the existing course of the frontier<br />

gives rise to substantial inconveniences, the Frontier Commission may propose minor<br />

adjustments of the frontier.<br />

CHAPTER 2<br />


Article 4<br />

The Kingdom of the Netherlands renounces the rights transferred to it following<br />

the Second World War with respect to areas forming part of the German Reich<br />

on 31 December 1937 in which the Kingdom claimed such rights, and which under the<br />

terms of article 1 form part of the Federal Republic of Germany.<br />

Article 5<br />

The Kingdom of the Netherlands renounces its rights with respect to areas<br />

forming part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 31 December 1937 which under<br />

the terms of article 1 form part of the Federal Republic of Germany.<br />

Article 6<br />

The Federal Republic of Germany renounces its rights with respect to areas<br />

forming part of the German Reich on 31 December 1937 which under the terms of<br />

article 1 form part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.<br />

Article 7<br />

1. Public property, with all rights, encumbrances and liabilities, in the areas<br />

referred to in articles 4 and 5 shall vest in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the<br />

relevant public corporations in the Federal Republic.<br />

2. Public property, with all rights, encumbrances and liabilities, in the areas<br />

referred to in article 6 shall vest in the Kingdom of the Netherlands or in the relevant<br />

public corporations in the Kingdom.<br />

No. 7404

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