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Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie - Jahresbericht 2007

Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie - Jahresbericht 2007

Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie - Jahresbericht 2007


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160 Veröffentlichungen<br />

Carmona, A., M. E. van den Ancker, T. Henning, M. Goto,<br />

D. Fedele, B. Stecklum: A search for near-infrared molecular<br />

hydrogen emission in the CTTS LkHa 264 and the<br />

debris disk 49 Ceti. Astronomy and Astrophysics 476,<br />

853-862 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Carollo, D., T. C. Beers, Y. S. Lee, M. Chiba, J. E. Norris,<br />

R. Wilhelm, T. Sivarani, B. Marsteller, J. A. Munn, C. A.<br />

L. Bailer-Jones, P. R. Fiorentin, D. G. York: Two stellar<br />

components in the halo of the Milky Way. Nature 450,<br />

1020-1025 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Chapman, S. C., J. Peñarrubia, R. Ibata, A. McConnachie,<br />

N. Martin, M. Irwin, A. Blain, G. F. Lewis, B. Letarte, K.<br />

Lo, A. Ludlow, K. O'Neil: Strangers in the night: discovery<br />

of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy on its first Local Group<br />

infall. The Astrophysical Journal 662, L79-L82 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Chen, X., R. Launhardt, T. Henning: ovro N 2 H observations<br />

of class 0 protostars: constraints on the formation of<br />

binary stars. The Astrophysical Journal 669, 1058-1071<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Chen, X. P., R. Launhardt, T. Henning: VLT/naCo adaptive<br />

optics imaging of GSS 30 IRS1: a protostellar binary system?<br />

Astronomy and Astrophysics 475, 277-280 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Chesneau, O., F. Lykou, B. Balick, E. Lagadec, M. Matsuura,<br />

N. Smith, A. Spang, S. Wolf, A. A. Zijlstra: A silicate<br />

disk in the heart of the Ant. Astronomy and Astrophysics<br />

473, L29-L32 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Christensen, L., L. Wisotzki, M. M. Roth, S. F. Sánchez, A.<br />

Kelz, K. Jahnke: An integral field spectroscopic survey<br />

for high redshift damped Lyman-a galaxies. Astronomy<br />

and Astrophysics 468, 587-601 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Coleman, M. G., J. T. A. de Jong, N. F. Martin, H.-W. Rix,<br />

D. J. Sand, E. F. Bell, R. W. Pogge, D. J. Thompson, H.<br />

Hippelein, E. Giallongo, R. Ragazzoni, A. DiPaola, J.<br />

Farinato, R. Smareglia, V. Testa, J. Bechtold, J. M. Hill,<br />

P. M. Garnavich, R. F. Green: The elongated structure of<br />

the Hercules Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy from deep Large<br />

Binocular Telescope imaging. The Astrophysical Journal<br />

668, L43-L46 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Coleman, M. G., K. Jordi, H.-W. Rix, E. K. Grebel, A.<br />

Koch: A wide-field view of Leo II: a structural analysis<br />

using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The Astronomical<br />

Journal 134, 1938-1951 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Comerón, F., A. Pasquali: A very massive runaway star<br />

from Cygnus OB2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 467,<br />

L23-L27 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Courteau, S., A. A. Dutton, F. C. van den Bosch, L. A.<br />

MacArthur, A. Dekel, D. H. McIntosh, D. A. Dale:<br />

Scaling relations of spiral galaxies. The Astrophysical<br />

Journal 671, 203-225 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Daddi, E., D. M. Alexander, M. Dickinson, R. Gilli, A.<br />

Renzini, D. Elbaz, A. Cimatti, R. Chary, D. Frayer, F. E.<br />

Bauer, W. N. Brandt, M. Giavalisco, N. A. Grogin, M.<br />

Huynh, J. Kurk, M. Mignoli, G. Morrison, A. Pope, S.<br />

Ravindranath: Multiwavelength study of massive galaxies<br />

at z2. II. Widespread compton-thick active galactic<br />

nuclei and the concurrent growth of black holes and<br />

bulges. The Astrophysical Journal 670, 173-189 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Daddi, E., M. Dickinson, G. Morrison, R. Chary, A.<br />

Cimatti, D. Elbaz, D. Frayer, A. Renzini, A. Pope, D.<br />

M. Alexander, F. E. Bauer, M. Giavalisco, M. Huynh,<br />

J. Kurk, M. Mignoli: Multiwavelength study of massive<br />

galaxies at z2. I. Star formation and galaxy growth.<br />

The Astrophysical Journal 670, 156-172 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Dale, D. A., A. Gil de Paz, K. D. Gordon, H. M. Hanson, L.<br />

Armus, G. J. Bendo, L. Bianchi, M. Block, S. Boissier,<br />

A. Boselli, B. A. Buckalew, V. Buat, D. Burgarella, D.<br />

Calzetti, J. M. Cannon, C. W. Engelbracht, G. Helou, D.<br />

J. Hollenbach, T. H. Jarrett, R. C. Kennicutt, C. Leitherer,<br />

A. Li, B. F. Madore, D. C. Martin, M. J. Meyer, E. J.<br />

Murphy, M. W. Regan, H. Roussel, J. D. T. Smith, M.<br />

L. Sosey, D. A. Thilker, F. Walter: An ultraviolet-toradio<br />

broadband spectral atlas of nearby galaxies. The<br />

Astrophysical Journal 655, 863-884 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Dannerbauer, H., F. Walter: The Search for the very highredshift<br />

tail of submillimeter galaxies. Astronomische<br />

Nachrichten 328, 644 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

de Jong, J. T. A., D. J. Butler, H. W. Rix, A. E. Dolphin, D.<br />

Martínez-Delgado: Modeling the stellar populations in<br />

the Canis Major overdensity: the relation between the<br />

old and young populations. The Astrophysical Journal<br />

662, 259-271 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

de Jong, R. S., A. C. Seth, D. J. Radburn-Smith, E. F. Bell,<br />

T. M. Brown, J. S. Bullock, S. Courteau, J. J. Dalcanton,<br />

H. C. Ferguson, P. Goudfrooij, S. Holfeltz, B. W. Holwerda,<br />

C. Purcell, J. Sick, D. B. Zucker: Stellar populations<br />

across the NGC 4244 truncated galactic disk. The<br />

Astrophysical Journal 667, L49-L52 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Doucet, C., E. Habart, E. Pantin, C. Dullemond, P. O.<br />

Lagage, C. Pinte, G. Duchêne, F. Ménard: HD 97048: a<br />

closer look at the disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics 470,<br />

625-631 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Draine, B. T., D. A. Dale, G. Bendo, K. D. Gordon, J. D.<br />

T. Smith, L. Armus, C. W. Engelbracht, G. Helou, R.<br />

C. Kennicutt, A. Li, H. Roussel, F. Walter, D. Calzetti,<br />

J. Moustakas, E. J. Murphy, G. H. Rieke, C. Bot, D. J.<br />

Hollenbach, K. Sheth, H. I. Teplitz: Dust masses, PAH<br />

abundances, and starlight intensities in the sInGs galaxy<br />

sample. The Astrophysical Journal 663, 866-894 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Dullemond, C. P., T. Henning, R. Visser, V. C. Geers, E. F.<br />

van Dishoeck, K. M. Pontoppidan: Dust sedimentation in<br />

protoplanetary disks with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.<br />

Astronomy and Astrophysics 473, 457-466 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Dutrey, A., T. Henning, S. Guilloteau, D. Semenov, V.<br />

Piétu, K. Schreyer, A. Bacmann, R. Launhardt, J. Pety,<br />

F. Gueth: Chemistry in disks. I. Deep search for N 2 H <br />

in the protoplanetary disks around LkCa 15, MWC 480,<br />

and DM Tauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics 464, 615-<br />

623 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Dutton, A. A., F. C. van den Bosch, A. Dekel, S. Courteau:<br />

A revised model for the formation of disk galaxies: low<br />

spin and dark halo expansion. The Astrophysical Journal<br />

654, 27-52 (<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

Egner, S. E., W. Gaessler, T. M. Herbst, R. Ragazzoni: A<br />

closed loop layer-oriented adaptive optics test bed: appli-

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