21.07.2013 Aufrufe

Janne Friederike Meyer CHIO Aachen-Magazin Nr. 32, 2/2011

Janne Friederike Meyer CHIO Aachen-Magazin Nr. 32, 2/2011

Janne Friederike Meyer CHIO Aachen-Magazin Nr. 32, 2/2011


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22<br />

<strong>CHIO</strong> AACHen MAgAzIn <strong>32</strong> IntervIew jAnne <strong>Meyer</strong><br />

<strong>Janne</strong> <strong>Meyer</strong> am Rande eines Empfangs beim <strong>CHIO</strong> <strong>Aachen</strong> <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

<strong>Janne</strong> <strong>Meyer</strong> at a reception in the course of the <strong>CHIO</strong> <strong>Aachen</strong> <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Also auch für das Pferd außergewöhnlich. Hat auch Cellagon<br />

Lambrasco gespürt, dass es vor allem im Rolex Grand Prix<br />

um etwas ganz Besonderes ging?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: Er spürt natürlich meine Anspannung, aber wir sind<br />

beide nervenstark, daher ist das nicht von Nachteil. Cellagon<br />

Lambrasco ist ein außergewöhnlich verlässlicher Partner.<br />

Er gibt immer alles für mich, und derzeit ist er in der Form<br />

seines Lebens.<br />

Sie zählen nun zu den Mit-Favoriten für die Europameisterschaften,<br />

vor allem aber für die Olympischen Spiele in London.<br />

Wie gehen Sie mit diesem neuen Druck um?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: Wenn andere mich zu den Mit-Favoriten zählen, ehrt<br />

mich das. Ich sehe das mit Abstand. Ein gewisses Maß an Bodenständigkeit<br />

und realistischer Selbsteinschätzung schützt<br />

vor falschen Erwartungen. In unserem Sport ist nichts selbst-<br />

ring and the crowd is simply world-class. The Nations Cup<br />

is the most exciting competition for me. Each obstacle glows<br />

under the floodlights and 40,000 spectators cheer you on.<br />

What’s more, I am also a fan of horse tails/ponytails...<br />

So, it is also an extraordinary experience for the horse. Did<br />

Cellagon Lambrasco sense the importance of the occasion,<br />

above all when you entered the ring in the Rolex Grand Prix?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: Of course he sensed my tension, but we both have<br />

nerves of steel, so this was not a disadvantage. Cellagon Lambrasco<br />

is an exceptionally reliable partner. He always does<br />

his very best for me and at the moment he is in the best form<br />

of his career.<br />

You are now considered to be one of the top favourites to<br />

win the European Championships, and also for the Olympic<br />

Games in London. How will you deal with this new pressure?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: I am very honoured if other people see me as being one<br />

of the favourites. I take a rather more relaxed view of things.<br />

A certain degree of down-to-earthness and a realistic self-assessment<br />

protect you against false expectations. You can’t take<br />

anything for granted in our sport, so many different factors<br />

play a role. Everything starts off with planning the season<br />

correctly, you have to make sure you schedule the breaks at<br />

the right time and then start training in due time so that the<br />

horse reaches top form again ready for the respective event. I<br />

won’t always get it quite right. I prefer to take one step at a<br />

time. First of all I am going to concentrate on the European<br />

Championships and achieving a good team result. Then, perhaps<br />

I will think about the individual final and then how<br />

I can best get my horses through the winter. The Olympic<br />

Games are my dream, but that is still a long way away off.<br />

Have you had chance to relax a bit after <strong>Aachen</strong>?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: I spent a few days on Sylt with my sister Anna Sophie<br />

and my parents to recover from the shock … To simply switch<br />

off and think about something different.<br />

You can do that when you are flying, surely?<br />

<strong>Meyer</strong>: Absolutely, I have to be fully concentrated in the cockpit,<br />

so when I’m flying I don’t think about my horses at all for

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