Geschäftsbericht 2008 - NordFinanz Bank AG

Geschäftsbericht 2008 - NordFinanz Bank AG Geschäftsbericht 2008 - NordFinanz Bank AG

04.05.2013 Aufrufe

42 | 43 NordFinanz Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Bremen Group Management Report for the 2008 Fiscal Year Statement on Dependency Report Pursuant to Section 17 of the German Stock Corpo- ration Act, the Bank was dependent on its share- holder E-Clear (UK) PLC, London, up to October 10, 2008. The Management Board has prepared a report as specified in Section 312 of the German Stock Corporation Act to describe the Bank’s relationships with affiliated companies. The report closes with the following statement: “According to the circumstances known to us at the time the transactions were conducted, the Bank has received adequate consideration in each transaction listed in the Report on Relationships with Affiliated Companies. No action has been taken at the behest or in the interest of any affiliated companies.” Subsequent events In connection with the adjustment items stipulated by BaFin as described in the section entitled “Equity Capital”, the shareholder of the parent company furnished additional collateral of up to a nominal K€ 3,000 to cover the outstanding receivables. In due consideration of the capital tied up, BaFin enacted measures against the Bank in July 2009 pursuant to Section 46 (1) of the German Banking Act for the duration of the associated, inadequate capital resources. Bremen, September 21, 2009 The Management Board Jörn-Michael Gauss Hans-Jörg Kern EINDEUTIGKEIT UNIQUENESS Nur das Eindeutige ist verlässlich. Wer sein wahres Gesicht zeigt, hat zumeist vorher ein anderes zur Schau gestellt – und ist nicht länger vertrauenswürdig. Only the unique is reliable. Who shows his real face has probably displayed something different before – and is no longer trustworthy. Vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit verträgt keine Zweigesichtigkeit. Nur der klare Blick überzeugt, nur die eindeutige Perspektive ist sicher. Wie sieht man sich am besten? Aus nächster Nähe. Wie bleibt man sich treu? Aus Überzeugung. Trustworthy cooperation cannot bear ambiguity. Only the clear view persuades, only the explicit perspective is save. How to see oneself best? From short distance. How to remain true to oneself? From conviction.

DAS UMFELD THE ENVIRONMENT Zwei Gesichter oder eine Vase. Ein Bild – zwei Betrachtungsmöglichkeiten. Two faces or a vase. One picture – two points of view.



Zwei Gesichter oder eine Vase. Ein Bild – zwei<br />

Betrachtungsmöglichkeiten.<br />

Two faces or a vase. One picture – two points<br />

of view.

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