Frühstückstreffen für Frauen W indelsbach (idea) -

Frühstückstreffen für Frauen W indelsbach (idea) - Frühstückstreffen für Frauen W indelsbach (idea) -
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04.05.2013 Aufrufe

Theodor Schwär Familie Edwin und Sarah Lee Bosse mit ihren Kindern Trisha und Michelle ziehen zurück nach Wartburg. Olivia Oberhofer Hailey Verhave Kommen & Gehen KOM & GAAN ABMELDUNG We take leave of TAUFEN / BAPTISM Einbruch im Gemeindezentrum Bei dem Einbruch im Gemeindezentrum wurde die Alarmanlage zerstört und wird jetzt erneuert werden müssen. Wer eine Einlasskode benötigt, möchte sich bitte im Büro melden. By die inbraak in die gemeentesentrum is die alarmstelsel erg beskadig en moet nou vervang word. Wie ‘n toegangskode benodig word vesoek om met die kantoor in aanraking te kom.

Vanuit die From the 7 Kerkraad Church Committee UPDATE ON OUR CHURCH FINANCES The first half of 2008 has already past and I would like to inform you of our current financial situation. Our church requires approximately R55 000.00 per month to settle the bills. This amount excludes any costs involved in the maintenance and renovations of our buildings. Our current expenses exceed our budget with ± 2.2%. Our income is still below our budget with ± 9%, which results in a deficit of R75 000. This huge deficit can be attributed to the fact that we still have our two major fund raising activities, namely, the September and Advent bazaar ahead of us. We would thus truly appreciate your help and support! I am happy to report that 74 out of 240 congregation members responded to our pledge forms. This helps us tremendously and we sincerely thank you. We have noted that some of our members have adjusted their pledges but have not yet returned their forms to us. Please could you do so either via e-mail, fax or post as this will greatly assist us in planning our finances during the last half of the year. Further we request those that have not yet returned their form to do so as soon as possible. We have had some successful functions throughout the year such as the Easter Bazaar, Kindertag, Bunter Abend and Wucherpfenning. Thank you for your support! Please could all the outstanding “Wucherpfennige” be returned by the end of the month. We thank God for all the blessings that He has bestowed on our congregation. May we continue to enjoy the fellowship in our church. Detlev Ahlert Besides worship services, to which all are always cordially invited, please support the various fund-raising events of the congregation. They can be filled with fun and joy for the participants and foster fellowship among people.

Theodor Schwär<br />

Familie Edwin und Sarah Lee Bosse mit ihren Kindern Trisha und<br />

Michelle ziehen zurück nach Wartburg.<br />

Olivia Oberhofer<br />

Hailey Verhave<br />

Kommen & Gehen<br />

KOM & GAAN<br />

ABMELDUNG We take leave of<br />


Einbruch im Gemeindezentrum<br />

Bei dem Einbruch im Gemeindezentrum wurde die Alarmanlage zerstört und<br />

wird jetzt erneuert werden müssen.<br />

Wer eine Einlasskode benötigt, möchte sich bitte im Büro melden.<br />

By die inbraak in die gemeentesentrum is die alarmstelsel erg beskadig en<br />

moet nou vervang word. Wie ‘n toegangskode benodig word vesoek om met<br />

die kantoor in aanraking te kom.

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