Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

29.03.2013 Aufrufe

o 138 Notes. 749. tabacrthi dobur n-oidh. Sec other examples of this idiom in glos- sarial Index to Félirc, s. v. oid. 762. deis mo chloideb: cf. dias chloidimh, O'Cl. s. v. Ubh. dias gl. spica. 765. airge 'armentum': here apparently used for battalion or some such body of soldiers. 768. congancnes. So in LU. 77 a , 24: ar ba conganchnes oc eomruc fri fcr bói la Loch. O'Clery explains the word by cneas no cum cnámha. With congan, congna (gl. cornu) is cognate. 776. atchondcammar, atchondcatar 1607, ó'tchonncatar 1147, root cas. Windisch is doubtless right in holding that the first two syllables are due to the analogy of atchondarc (3 d sg. -dairc 840), R. dare. 782. comaithibh, a scribe's mistake for comaithchibh 1219. 797. athchomairc gen. sg. of atltchomarc 'interrogate'. 810. ro-oéthig seems the 3d sg. pret. of the verb of which óithigud, 1035, is the infinitive. The meaning must be either 'diminished' or 'ceased', and the verb is possibly cognate with navoj, paulus, favai, feiv, with which Ir. uathed (dat. sg. uathiud 1072), has been connected. 817. tóichléori, cf. tóichell journey? 850. cocái leg. cócai: cf. ctlacca .i. fás no folamh 'empty', O'Cl. Cognate with lat. cavus. 879. aca (= ad-ca) 'vidi', root cas. s-pret. sg. 1 acus 849. 908. ailithir pi. n. of ailither ullóxQioq, peregrinus. 960. al-loss 'by means of, 'by virtue of. 962. dá gabait, n. pi. dofuitet a cethri gdbaiti for talmain, LU. 70 a , 26. n. dual: dobert athbéim ina modi conid i n-oenfecht cond-ráncatar a da gabait chliss dochum talman, LU. 109 a . seems to be the meaning. 'Division' or 'section' 978. dithrubaig generally means 'hermits', but here it seems either 'birds of prey' (ouovoi) or 'beasts of the desert' (Hennessy), cf. sanglier. 1013. ar-ti, like for-tí (ti 'design, intention', O'R.), is used to make a kind of future participle: ar thi did (gl. iturus) O'Moll. Gr. 128, for tíí a marbtlia, LB. 144 a. for tíi merli, Fél. lxxxix, 17. 1044. apaigib dat. pi. apaige 10i9, gen. pi. of apach 'entrails', declined (like so many neuter nouns in -ach) in the sg. like an a-stem, in the pi. like an s-stem. So étach, sg. gen. étaig 494, 844, dat. étuch, 496, nom. and ace. pi. étaige 596, 889, 1180, timthach, sg. dat. timthuch 1671, n. pi. timthaige 596. 889, coblach sg. dat. cobluch 446, gen. coblaig 453, ace. coblach 463, gáethlach pi. dat. gáethlaigib 614, luchtlach pi. dat. luchtlaigib 873, airenach, sg. dat. airinuch 929. Compare German nouns like grab, ex *gra- ba-m, pi. grabir (ex *grabisa, *grabasä) now grüber, Schleicher Comp. § 230.

Notes. 139 droch-thuth seems a mistake for droch-thút, as dcthaig (in the same line) for dctaig. Cf. tútt nan-cdparl, LB. 189», tut 'stink', O'R. onchon gen. sg., onchoin, 1079, n. pi. of onchú 1. a leopard, 2. a banner (Liebrecht compares the low- latin draco étendard de la cohorte), 3. some kind of warrior, 4. a proper name. If onchú be (as I conjecture) borrowed from fr. onceau (dim. of once = lyncem) the h is due to the analogy of compounds with cú 'hound'. macdacht here, as in 1904, is not declined. ermaisi 'hitting', 'striking': cf. dat. sg. ho ermaissiu firinne, Z a . 1043. cf. also the verb ni anad con-ermaised in uball, LL. 125 a . 1868. stuag-dorus 'archway'. The s in stilag is prothetic (iiiag 'bow'), as in s-tuigen (toga), s-targa (targa), s-cipar (piper), s-prcidh (praeda), and perhaps s-naidm 'nodus'. álta gen. sg. of cilad 'wound': cf. ferg na gona 1645, 1730, 1199. ro-forb, also in 1760, 1784, for roforba, O. Ir. fororbai, redupl. perf. of forbenim = vnsQßaivoj (Ascoli). Hence forbantar 317, no-forbaitáis 1 784. conatuilset, 3d pi. of conatuü — eontuil with infixed relative: see Windisch's Wörterbuch s. v. cotlaim. foi-leis for fó-lcs, where fó seems = Skr. vasu. enech = eineach .i. eneaclann, O'Cl. honour-price, compensation for wounded honour. With the phrase demtá cnech cf. the fut. pass, dogéntar W ainech 551. ro-ordnigset, infin. ordnugud, Ir. Texte p. 40. clocchlodh from coechlod, coimchlod. múr-chlodh gen. pi. lit. wall-dykes, fosses. -se a scribe's error for si. ro-throchlastair : cf. nos-troclilann saigit asind fidbaicc, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 48 a 1. trochladh a loosening, O'R. 1324. criathar focha (leg. foiha) 'sieve of the mill's feed', cf. fotha r / muilinn Maelodrain, Félire May 21, note. 1357. no-iadaitis 3d pi. 2dy pres. passive. So dogéntais 231, nocht- atáis, no-criathraitís 1709. 1372. dllta pi. of alt, p. 65 note 1. 1379. 1651. doimniudh seems to mean, and be cognate with, the latin diminuere, Curtius G. E. No. 475. 1384. ro-adnacht, t-preterito of adnaicim, root na{yi)c } nac. Other t-pre- terites not noticed by WindischjKuhn's Beitr. VIII. 442) are ro- aslacht, Rawl. B. 512, fo. 27 a. 2, and ro-chet (= W. cant Z 3 . 524, root can), LU. 40 k. 8 {is disi rochet in senchaid na runnu-sa) and Saltair na Rann 7533 {Ei diar-rochet . . . class aingel). 1399. debech = debach 1763, from debe as ainbthenach 579, from ainbthine.

o<br />

138<br />

Notes.<br />

749. tabacrthi dobur n-oidh. Sec other examples of this idiom in glos-<br />

sarial Index to Félirc, s. v. oid.<br />

762. deis mo chloideb: cf. dias chloidimh, O'Cl. s. v. Ubh. dias gl. spica.<br />

765. airge 'armentum': here apparently used for battalion or some such<br />

body of soldiers.<br />

768. congancnes. So in LU. 77 a , 24: ar ba conganchnes oc eomruc fri<br />

fcr bói la Loch. O'Clery explains the word by cneas no cum<br />

cnámha. With congan, congna (gl. cornu) is cognate.<br />

776. atchondcammar, atchondcatar 1607, ó'tchonncatar 1147, root cas.<br />

Windisch is doubtless right in holding that the first two syllables<br />

are due to the analogy of atchondarc (3 d sg. -dairc 840), R. dare.<br />

782. comaithibh, a scribe's mistake for comaithchibh 1219.<br />

797. athchomairc gen. sg. of atltchomarc 'interrogate'.<br />

810. ro-oéthig seems the 3d sg. pret. of the verb of which óithigud,<br />

1035, is the infinitive. The meaning must be either 'diminished'<br />

or 'ceased', and the verb is possibly cognate with navoj, paulus,<br />

favai, feiv, with which Ir. uathed (dat. sg. uathiud 1072), has been<br />

connected.<br />

817. tóichléori, cf. tóichell journey?<br />

850. cocái leg. cócai: cf. ctlacca .i. fás no folamh 'empty', O'Cl. Cognate<br />

with lat. cavus.<br />

879. aca (= ad-ca) 'vidi', root cas. s-pret. sg. 1 acus 849.<br />

908. ailithir pi. n. of ailither ullóxQioq, peregrinus.<br />

960. al-loss 'by means of, 'by virtue of.<br />

962. dá gabait, n. pi. dofuitet a cethri gdbaiti for talmain, LU. 70 a , 26.<br />

n. dual: dobert athbéim ina modi conid i n-oenfecht cond-ráncatar<br />

a da gabait chliss dochum talman, LU. 109 a .<br />

seems to be the meaning.<br />

'Division' or 'section'<br />

978. dithrubaig generally means 'her<strong>mit</strong>s', but here it seems either 'birds<br />

of prey' (ouovoi) or 'beasts of the desert' (Hennessy), cf. sanglier.<br />

1013. ar-ti, like for-tí (ti 'design, intention', O'R.), is used to make a<br />

kind of future participle: ar thi did (gl. iturus) O'Moll. Gr. 128,<br />

for tíí a marbtlia, LB. 144 a. for tíi merli, Fél. lxxxix, 17.<br />

1044. apaigib dat. pi. apaige 10i9, gen. pi. of apach 'entrails', declined<br />

(like so many neuter nouns in -ach) in the sg. like an a-stem, in<br />

the pi. like an s-stem. So étach, sg. gen. étaig 494, 844, dat.<br />

étuch, 496, nom. and ace. pi. étaige 596, 889, 1180, timthach,<br />

sg. dat. timthuch 1671, n. pi. timthaige 596. 889, coblach sg. dat.<br />

cobluch 446, gen. coblaig 453, ace. coblach 463, gáethlach pi. dat.<br />

gáethlaigib 614, luchtlach pi. dat. luchtlaigib 873, airenach, sg.<br />

dat. airinuch 929. Compare German nouns like grab, ex *gra-<br />

ba-m, pi. grabir (ex *grabisa, *grabasä) now grüber, Schleicher<br />

Comp. § 230.

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