Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

29.03.2013 Aufrufe

98 The Destruction of Troy. 960. Then came Archomenus, — a royal soldier, he, of the Greeks, — by virtue of sword against Hector, so that his lion's rage came to Hector and he gave him a blow of his sword, and made two divisions of him. Now when Palemon saw that, namely that Archomenus had fallen by Hector's deeds, he went furiously, martially after Hector. Hector turns against him and gives a terrible rush towards him, so that Palemon fell by him in that place. Then Epistrophus came to contend against Hector, and he gave a cast of his broad gray spear at Hector, but Hector put that past him. Then he directed the lance unto him, and it went into his shield and passed through himself after splitting the shield from bottom to top: so thereof did Epistrophus die at once. 972. Then Schedius went before Hector to seek his re- nown. He was sure that the world would be full of his name if it should happen to him that Hector fell by him. Howbeit Hector came against him terribly, fearfully, and left him without a soul. Elephenor came to contend against Hector, and cried a venomous execrable cry at him. „The man," saith he, „that comes before thee now will slay thee and separate thy soul from thy body. Glad of thee will be the beasts of the desert and the birds of the air." „Against thyself all that shall turn," saith Hector, raising the spear that lay in his hand, and giving a thrust at Elephenor in such wise that it passed through him into his gullet, and he fell to the ground. Hector runs to him and carried off his harness and his head. Thereat came Diores to him: „Thou shalt not," saith he, „bear away that harness without a contest. Thou wilt not find me the same 1 as the heroes who have done battle against thee hitherto." „Be it afterwards that thou boastest," 2 saith Hector. „We come to know it," saith he. Then they fight. Diores fell there by Hector after being wounded exceedingly. 987. After those people, then, Polyxenus began a contest with Hector and fell by Hector. Came Idomeneus in like manner. Hector parted not with him till he slew him. 1 Lit. I shall not be the same to thee. - a mere guess.

Literal Translation. 9

Literal Translation. 9

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