Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

29.03.2013 Aufrufe

^ 88 The Destruction of Troy. Now, the number of overkings of the Greeks, that are here enumerated is forty-nine kings in all. 684. ^Thereafter, then, all came to the harbour of the Athenians, and' all his captains were summoned to Agamemnon to counsel him as to what they should do. So when the captains had all come into one place, Agamemnon declared to them that some of them should go to Apollo, to inquire of him how the hosting would turn out, whether it would be prosperous, or whether it would be passable at all. Every one praised that counsel, and Achilles and Patroclus fared forth to that end. So when they had come as far as Delphi, Apollo's temple, they asked tidings of the image. Apollo replied to them that the expedition would turn out well, 1 for they would return to their home battle-victoriously at the end of ten years after marching on Troy. Achilles offered great offerings to Apollo in that stronghold. Now, when Achilles was making the offerings in the temple, then came Calchas, son of Thestor, with gifts and offerings from the Trojans to Apollo. He entered the temple and asked tidings about the Trojans urgently, what kind of end they would have of their warfare and contention against the Greeks. Apollo answered that Troy would be overturned at the end of ten years. When Calchas heard that, he came to Achilles and made his union and friendship with him, and they (both) went to the camp of the Greeks. They related their tidings and their adventures. Now when all these things had ended, Calchas told his people to put their ships on sea and on ocean. The hosts did that for him. Ascalaphus and Menelaus were put before them that they might be guides to them straightway towards Troy, for they had been previously in Jason's vessel. 708. First they fared to a certain island, which was under Priam's yoke. They wreck that island. Thereafter, then, they came to the island Tenedos, a place wherein were the treasures and jewels, gold and silver of Priam and of the Trojans. All 1 Lit. that meet would be the going of the expedition.

Literal Translation. 89 the human beings whom they found there the Greeks put under mouth of spear and of sword. All the treasures and jewels which they found they gather together. Thereafter, then, came the kings of the Greeks into one place, to Agamemnon, to take counsel as to what they should do. 715. This is the counsel they came to, 1 that envoys should fare from them on an errand to Priam, to demand Helen and the booty which Alexander had taken out of the island Cythera. The messengers, namely Diomedc and Ulysses, came to Priam and declare their message to him diligently. 719. Now while they were about these matters, Achilles and Telephus (a son of Hercules) were sent to harry Mysia. Therein was Teuthras king. When they came to Mysia they wreck the land, they gather the booty and the cattle of the land to one stead. The hosts and multitudes of the land awaited them round Teuthras, round their king. Teuthras challenged them to single combat. When Achilles heard that, he cast his travelling dress from him and donned his battleweed of battle and combat. He donned, in sooth, his hauberk of twice- melted iron and his crested, shapen helmet on his head. Then he came throughout the host of the Mysians like a fierce- woundful lion worried on account of (?) his cubs, or like a furious bull to which an evil blow is given. He gave a cast of a great broad-blue lance at Teuthras, in such wise that the head went through him from the one side to the other, and Telephus son of Hercules came to him and put his shield to ward him just when the battle -soldier had begun to destroy him. Because he had given a night's hospitality to Telephus and to his father, namely Hercules, therefore he, Telephus, cam o, to him. So when Teuthras expected death he bequeathed , his realm to Telephus, because it was Hercules that had given the kingdom to him and slain Diomede (sic), and given his heritage to Teuthras. Therefore did Teuthras bestow his kingdom on Telephus. Then Achilles installed Telephus in the Lit. made.

Literal Translation. 89<br />

the human beings whom they fo<strong>und</strong> there the Greeks put <strong>und</strong>er<br />

mouth of spear and of sword. All the treasures and jewels<br />

which they fo<strong>und</strong> they gather together. Thereafter, then, came<br />

the kings of the Greeks into one place, to Agamemnon, to take<br />

counsel as to what they should do.<br />

715. This is the counsel they came to, 1 that envoys should<br />

fare from them on an errand to Priam, to demand Helen and<br />

the booty which Alexander had taken out of the island Cythera.<br />

The messengers, namely Diomedc and Ulysses, came to Priam<br />

and declare their message to him diligently.<br />

719. Now while they were about these matters, Achilles<br />

and Telephus (a son of Hercules) were sent to harry Mysia.<br />

Therein was Teuthras king. When they came to Mysia they<br />

wreck the land, they gather the booty and the cattle of the<br />

land to one stead. The hosts and multitudes of the land awaited<br />

them ro<strong>und</strong> Teuthras, ro<strong>und</strong> their king. Teuthras challenged<br />

them to single combat. When Achilles heard that, he cast his<br />

travelling dress from him and donned his battleweed of battle<br />

and combat. He donned, in sooth, his hauberk of twice-<br />

melted iron and his crested, shapen helmet on his head. Then<br />

he came throughout the host of the Mysians like a fierce-<br />

wo<strong>und</strong>ful lion worried on account of (?) his cubs, or like a<br />

furious bull to which an evil blow is given. He gave a cast<br />

of a great broad-blue lance at Teuthras, in such wise that the<br />

head went through him from the one side to the other, and<br />

Telephus son of Hercules came to him and put his shield to<br />

ward him just when the battle -soldier had begun to destroy<br />

him. Because he had given a night's hospitality to Telephus<br />

and to his father, namely Hercules, therefore he, Telephus,<br />

cam o, to him. So when Teuthras expected death he bequeathed<br />

,<br />

his realm to Telephus, because it was Hercules that had given<br />

the kingdom to him and slain Diomede (sic), and given his<br />

heritage to Teuthras. Therefore did Teuthras bestow his kingdom<br />

on Telephus. Then Achilles installed Telephus in the<br />

Lit. made.

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