Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

29.03.2013 Aufrufe

Literal Translation. 87 Now this is the number of ships that went [with] each captain of the Greeks in this fleet. A hundred ships, this was the crew of Agamemnon son of Atreus, out of the lauds of Mycenae. Menelaus son of Atreus out of Sparta, sixty ships. Arc[es]ilaus and Prothoenor, two kings of Boeotia, fifty ships. Ascalaphus and Ialmenus ex Orchomeno, thirty ships. Ajax, son of Telamon and Hesione daughter of Laomedou, with six captains, namely Teucer his brother out of Buprasium, and Amphimacbus and Diores and Teseus (leg. Thalpius) and Polyxenus, fifty ships their number. Nestor out of Pylos, eighty ships. Thoas from Aetolia, forty ships. Ajax son of O'ilous out of Locris, thirty ships. Nireus out of Syme, forty ships. Antiphus, Phidippus and Thoas out of Calydna, thirty-six ships. Ulysses, or Odysseus, out of Ithaca, twelve ships. Protesilaus and Podarces out of Phylace, forty. 670. Eumeles out of Pherae, ten ships. Podalirius and Machaon, two sons of Asclepius out of Tricca, thirty-nine. Achilles and Patroclus, two kings of the Myrmidons, out of Phthia, fifty ships. Tlepolemus out of Rhodes, nine ships. 675. Polypoetes and Leonteus out of Larissa [recte Ar- gissa], forty ships. Diomedes and Euryalus and Sthenelus out of Argos, forty ships. Philoctetes out of Meliboea, seven ships. Gyneus out of Cyphus, twenty-one ships. Prothus out of Magnesia, forty ships. 680. Agapenor out of Arcadia, forty ships. Mnestheus out of Athens, fifty ships.

Literal Translation. 87<br />

Now this is the number of ships that went [with] each<br />

captain of the Greeks in this fleet.<br />

A h<strong>und</strong>red ships, this was the crew of Agamemnon son<br />

of Atreus, out of the lauds of Mycenae.<br />

Menelaus son of Atreus out of Sparta, sixty ships.<br />

Arc[es]ilaus and Prothoenor, two kings of Boeotia,<br />

fifty ships.<br />

Ascalaphus and Ialmenus ex Orchomeno, thirty ships.<br />

Ajax, son of Telamon and Hesione daughter of<br />

Laomedou,<br />

with six captains, namely Teucer his brother out of Buprasium,<br />

and Amphimacbus and Diores and Teseus (leg. Thalpius) and<br />

Polyxenus, fifty ships their number.<br />

Nestor out of Pylos, eighty ships.<br />

Thoas from Aetolia, forty ships.<br />

Ajax son of O'ilous out of Locris, thirty ships.<br />

Nireus out of Syme, forty ships.<br />

Antiphus, Phidippus and Thoas out of Calydna,<br />

thirty-six ships.<br />

Ulysses, or Odysseus, out of Ithaca, twelve ships.<br />

Protesilaus and Podarces out of Phylace, forty.<br />

670. Eumeles out of Pherae, ten ships.<br />

Podalirius and Machaon, two sons of Asclepius out<br />

of Tricca, thirty-nine.<br />

Achilles and Patroclus, two kings of the Myrmidons,<br />

out of Phthia, fifty ships.<br />

Tlepolemus out of Rhodes, nine ships.<br />

675. Polypoetes and Leonteus out of Larissa [recte Ar-<br />

gissa], forty ships.<br />

Diomedes and Euryalus and Sthenelus out of Argos,<br />

forty ships.<br />

Philoctetes out of Meliboea, seven ships.<br />

Gyneus out of Cyphus, twenty-one ships.<br />

Prothus out of Magnesia, forty ships.<br />

680. Agapenor out of Arcadia, forty ships.<br />

Mnestheus out of Athens, fifty ships.

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