Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

29.03.2013 Aufrufe

154 The Death of the Sons of Usnech. you, warriors!" saitli Conchobar, "have ye ever seen a house- hold that is braver than yourselves in Ireland, or in Scotland, or in the great world in any place, for" 23. "Truly we have not seen," say they, "and we know not if there be." "If so," saith Conchobar, "do ye know (any) great want in the world upon you?" "We know not at all, high king," say they. 27. "But I know, warriors," saith he, "one great want which we have, to wit, that the three Lights of Valour of the Gael should be away from us, that the three sons of Usnech, even Náisi and Ainnle and Ardán, should be separated from us because of (any) woman in the world. And Naisi for valour and prowess was the makings of an overking of Ireland, and the might of his own arm hath gained for him (self) a district and a half of Scotland." ; 33. "0 royal soldier," say they, "if we had dared to utter that, long since we would have uttered it. For it is apparent that they are sons of a king of a border- district, and they would defend the province of Ulster against every other pro- vince in Ireland, even though no other Ulstermen should go along with them. Because they are heroes for bravery, and those three are lions for might and for courage." 38. "If it be so," saith Conchobar, "let envoys and messengers be sent for them into the districts of Scotland, to Loch Etive and to the stronghold of the sons of Usnech in Scotland." "Who will go with that?" saith every one. 42. "I know," saith Conchobar, "that it is in Náisi's prohi- bitions to come into Ireland in peace, except with three, namely Cúchulainn son of Subaltam, and Conall son of Aimir- gin and Fergus son of Ross; and I will [now] know unto which of those three I am dearest." 46. And he took Conall into a place apart, and asked him: "What will be done, royal soldier of the world," saith Con- chobar, "if thou art sent for Usnech's sons, and they should be destroyed in spite of thy safeguard and thy honour ?\

The Death of the Sons of Usnech. 155 "A thing I attempt not! :, Not the death of one man (only) would result therefrom," saith Conall; "but each of the Ulstermen who would harm them (and) whom I should appre- hend, he would not go from me ... . struction and slaughter being inflicted upon him." without death and de- 53. "That is true, Conall," saith Conchobar. "Now I under- stand that I am not dear to thee." And he put Conall from him. And Cúchulainn was brought unto him, and he asked the same thing of him. "I give (it) under my word," saith Cuchulainn, "if there shouldst be sought eastward unto India, I would not take the bribe of the globe from thee, but thou thyself to fall in that deed." 58. "That is true, Cu, that not with one thou hast no hatred." And he put Cuchulainn from him, and Fer- gus was brought unto him. And he asked the same thing of him. And this did Fergus say to him: "I promise not to attack thy blood or thy flesh," saith Fergus. "And yet there is not an Ulsterman whom I should catch [doing them hurt] who would not find death and destruction at my hands." 65. "It is thou that shalt go for the Children of Usnech, royal soldier," saith Conchobar. "And set forward to-morrow," saith he; "for with thee would they come. And after coming from the east, betake thee to the fortress of Borrach son of ^Cainte, and give thy word to me that so soon as they shall arrive in Ireland, neither stop nor stay be allowed them, so that they may come that night to Emain Macha." 71. Thereafter they came in, and Fergus told (every one) that he himself was going in warranty of Usnech's children, and his other warranty went to the worthies of the province all along with him in those warranties. And they bore away that night. 75. And Conchobar addressed Borrach son of Annte and asked of him: "Hast thou a feast for me?" saith Conchobar. "There is assuredly," saith Borrach, "and it was possible for me to make it, and it is not possible for me to carry it to thee to Emain Macha."

154 The Death of the Sons of Usnech.<br />

you, warriors!" saitli Conchobar, "have ye ever seen a house-<br />

hold that is braver than yourselves in Ireland, or in Scotland,<br />

or in the great world in any place, for"<br />

23. "Truly we have not seen," say they, "and we know<br />

not if there be."<br />

"If so," saith Conchobar, "do ye know (any) great want<br />

in the world upon you?"<br />

"We know not at all, high king," say they.<br />

27. "But I know, warriors," saith he, "one great want<br />

which we have, to wit, that the three Lights of Valour of the<br />

Gael should be away from us, that the three sons of Usnech,<br />

even Náisi and Ainnle and Ardán, should be separated from<br />

us because of (any) woman in the world. And Naisi for valour<br />

and prowess was the makings of an overking of Ireland, and<br />

the might of his own arm hath gained for him (self) a district<br />

and a half of Scotland."<br />

;<br />

33. "0 royal soldier," say they, "if we had dared to utter<br />

that, long since we would have uttered it. For it is apparent<br />

that they are sons of a king of a border- district, and they<br />

would defend the province of Ulster against every other pro-<br />

vince in Ireland, even though no other Ulstermen should go<br />

along with them. Because they are heroes for bravery, and<br />

those three are lions for might and for courage."<br />

38. "If it be so," saith Conchobar, "let envoys and messengers<br />

be sent for them into the districts of Scotland, to Loch Etive<br />

and to the stronghold of the sons of Usnech in Scotland."<br />

"Who will go with that?" saith every one.<br />

42. "I know," saith Conchobar, "that it is in Náisi's prohi-<br />

bitions to come into Ireland in peace, except with three,<br />

namely Cúchulainn son of Subaltam, and Conall son of Aimir-<br />

gin and Fergus son of Ross; and I will [now] know unto<br />

which of those three I am dearest."<br />

46. And he took Conall into a place apart, and asked him:<br />

"What will be done, royal soldier of the world," saith Con-<br />

chobar, "if thou art sent for Usnech's sons, and they should<br />

be destroyed in spite of thy safeguard and thy honour ?\

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