29.03.2013 Aufrufe

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch


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The Death of the Sons of Uisnech. 113<br />

her fosterer and her nurse and a female satirist called Lebar-<br />

chani, and Conchobar himself. And she lived in this wise<br />

until she was ripe for marriage, and she outwent in beauty<br />

the women of her time.<br />

Once on a snowy day it came to pass that her fosterer<br />

killed a calf for her dinner: and after the blood of the calf<br />

was poured upon the snow, a black raven bent down to drink<br />

it. And when Deirdre took heed of that, she said to Lebar-<br />

cham that she would have a husband on whom were the three<br />

colours which she beheld, that is, the colour of the raven<br />

on his hair, the colour of the calf's blood on his cheeks, and<br />

the colour of the snow on his skin. "The like of that" [saith<br />

Lebarcham] "hath^a man by Conchobar in the household, who<br />

is called Naisi son of Uisnech", — son of Conall the Flatnailed,<br />

son of Rugrai the Great, from whom came Conchobar as we<br />

said above.<br />

"If it be so, Lebarcham", saith Deirdre, "I beseech thee<br />

to bring him to converse with me, no one knowing of it."<br />

Lebarcham revealed that thing to Naisi. Then comes<br />

Naisi secretly to meet Deirdre, and Deirdre declared to him<br />

the greatness of the love she had for him, and entreated him<br />

to take herself in flight from Conchobar. Naisi consented to<br />

that, though he was slow to do so for dread of Conchobar.<br />

Then did Naisi and his two brothers, to wit, Ainnle and Ar-<br />

dán, and thrice fifty warriors with them, proceed to Scotland,<br />

where they fo<strong>und</strong> maintenance of quarterage from the king<br />

of Scotland, until he got a description of Deirdre's beauty and<br />

sought her as a wife for himself. Great wrath thereat seized<br />

Naisi, and he fared forth with his brothers out of Scotland<br />

into an island of the sea, fleeing with Deirdre after many<br />

battles had been given to the king's household and to them- v/<br />

selves from every side.<br />

One day thereafter a mighty feast was made by Conchobar<br />

in smooth-delightful Emaiu. &c.

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