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92<br />

Zur Person:<br />

Studium der Technischen Physik (TU Graz)<br />

Dissertation und Habilitation (MUL)<br />

derzeit: ao.Prof. Lehrstuhl für Geophysik (MUL)<br />

Landslide forecasting<br />

The possibilities of landslide forecasting by geophysical measurements, especially<br />

by the geoelectric method have been investigated.<br />

actual approach is focused on the detection of the<br />

first mentioned longer term steady changes in the<br />

subsurface properties. Geophysical techniques are<br />

very good suited to fulfil this task.<br />

Repeated geoelectric measurements had been<br />

applied to detect changes in the subsurface,<br />

prior to the landslide. These data (figure above)<br />

showed, verified by the later on landslide event,<br />

already changes in the subsurface long before the<br />

actual movement on the surface could be detected.<br />

The resistivity decrease is mainly due to the<br />

increase in the water-saturation of the subsurface.<br />

Higher water-saturation decreases in most cases<br />

the stability.<br />

Erich Niesner<br />

Lehrstuhl für Geophysik<br />

an der MUL seit: 1982<br />

Email: erich.niesner@unileoben.ac.at<br />

www.unileoben.ac.at/~geophwww/niesner.htm<br />

Landslides start suddenly, but quite a time<br />

before there is a slow steady change in<br />

the subsurface properties till the instability<br />

condition, triggering the landslide event, is<br />

reached. Sometimes there are small movements<br />

short before the major event starts<br />

and most of the forecasting systems are<br />

based on the detection of these movements.<br />

These measurements could be difficult since<br />

the areas are often impassable and possible<br />

fixpoints are in most cases far away. Also<br />

landslides often start without prior detectable<br />

movements. Therefore the aim of the<br />

Forschungspartner:<br />

ERKUDOK-Institut Gmunden – J.Weidinger<br />

Projekt gefördert von der Österreichischen Akademie der<br />

Wissenschaften<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte:<br />

Geoelektrische und elektromagnetische Messverfahren<br />

Spektrale Induzierte Polarisation<br />

Geophysikalische Bohrlochmessungen<br />

Entwicklung von Spezialsonden und Software

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