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80<br />

Thermodynamic Simulation of Phases<br />

In foundry technology research, Thermo-Calc and DICTRA simulation software<br />

are of great benefit as they can be used to perform thermodynamic and phase<br />

diagram calculations in different multicomponent systems.<br />

The mass fraction solid/liquid during solidification,<br />

under equilibrium or non equilibrium cooling conditions,<br />

can also be determined and therefore the temperature<br />

interval assessed to evaluate the semi-solid casting<br />

capabilities of an alloy.<br />

In addition DICTRA can be used to envisage diffusion<br />

controlled phase transformations. It can therefore be<br />

employed to investigate microsegregation and hot tearing<br />

during solidification and examine the growth and<br />

dissolution of precipitates.<br />

Experimental results from casting practice have shown<br />

good agreement with the simulations (see Fig. 2).<br />

Brian McKay<br />

Lehrstuhl für Gießereikunde - LfGK<br />

an der MUL seit: 2003<br />

Email: brian.mckay@unileoben.ac.at<br />

institute.unileoben.ac.at/giessereikunde<br />

Zur Person:<br />

1997-2001: PhD, University of Oxford<br />

2001-2002: Post-doc, UMIST<br />

2003-2009: University Assistant, LfGK, MUL<br />

Thermo-Calc calculations are based on a range of databases<br />

compiled using experimental data. The databases<br />

include those necessary to investigate Steel, Al, Mg, and<br />

Ti alloys. In recent studies the LfGK has used a TTAL5<br />

(Al) database which enabled complex Al multi-component<br />

diagrams to be constructed and analysed (see Fig. 1).<br />

From this data, heat treatments were devised to aid phase<br />

selection thereby improving the castability, corrosion resistance<br />

and mechanical properties of as-cast parts.<br />

Salar Bozorgi<br />

Lehrstuhl für Gießereikunde - LfGK<br />

an der MUL seit: 2006<br />

Email: salar.bozorgi@unileoben.ac.at<br />

institute.unileoben.ac.at/giessereikunde<br />

Zur Person:<br />

2005-2008: MSc, MUL<br />

2008-Present: Research Assistant, LfGK, MUL

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