01.03.2013 Aufrufe

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Es erkennt hier eine sprudelnde Quelle. Wir auch. - ULV Leoben ...

Es erkennt hier eine sprudelnde Quelle. Wir auch. - ULV Leoben ...


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32<br />

This two part casting presents a unique challenge in coupling fluid dynamics of<br />

a filling process with remelting of a pre-cast cylinder of a double-poured dual<br />

alloy casting.<br />

Fig. 1: Flow patterns during casting.<br />

Simulation of a Dual Alloy Casting<br />

The molten bulk material is poured into the the precast<br />

cylinder and the upper and lower molds, filling ends at<br />

120s. Due to the pouring stream impact during filling, a<br />

well-mixed zone exists to a depth approx 1 m below the<br />

molten metal surface and is characterized by velocities on<br />

the order of 0.1 to 1 m/s as shown in Fig. 1. Below the<br />

well-mixed zone the flow is quiescent with relatively low<br />

velocities less than 50 mm/s. Further analysis showing the<br />

evolution of melting (shell thickness), liquid velocity, temperature,<br />

and maximum effective thermal conductivity at<br />

three points are shown in Fig. 2. The correlation of these<br />

phenomena confirm the hypothesis that melting of the<br />

cylinder occurs only during contact with the the turbulent<br />

well-mixed zone of the bulk material.<br />

Autumn Fjeld<br />

Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation<br />

metallurgischer Prozesse<br />

an der MUL seit: 2006<br />

Email: autumn.fjeld@unileoben.ac.at<br />

www.smmp.at.hm<br />

Zur Person:<br />

Post Doctoral Research,<br />

seit 2006: am Lehrstuhl für Modellierung und Simulation<br />

metallurgischer Prozesse<br />

The objective of this module is the analysis of filling induced<br />

flow phenomena and prediction of melting in a two-part casting.<br />

The bulk material (cast iron) is poured from above into a moldcylinder<br />

assembly; the cylinder is a large precast tube of highly<br />

alloyed steel assembled between upper and lower molds. The<br />

durability of these castings is dependent upon optimum cylinder<br />

re-melting: sufficient melting must occur for good bulk-cylinder<br />

bonding, however an excess of melting results in contamination<br />

of the bulk material from the highly alloyed cylinder. The interaction<br />

of the turbulent bulk liquid and the melting of the cylinder<br />

material has not been well understood by the industry partner,<br />

providing an opportunity for the development of a numerical<br />

model to analyze flow and melting phenomena.<br />

Fig. 2: Evolution of cylinder melting during filling at three positions.<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte:<br />

Casting Processes, Fluid Dynamics, Solidification and<br />


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