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158<br />

A study of the modification of<br />

Al-Si & Al-Mg 2 Si eutectic<br />

An investigative study of heterogeneous nucleation using an entrained droplet<br />

technique in an Al-Si alloy & the solidification microstructure and morphology of<br />

Mg 2 Si in an Al-Mg-Si alloy by using a Bridgman furnace.<br />

Al-13.1%Mg 2 Si near eutectic alloys were prepared<br />

in a Dietz mould using high purity Al, Si & Mg. Additions<br />

of Sr & Y in the form of master alloys were<br />

made to modifiy the morphology of Mg 2 Si. With the<br />

addition of Sr the Mg 2 Si morphology appears to be<br />

flake or block-like while with the addition of Y the<br />

morphology changes to fine fibres as can be seen<br />

from the deep etched samples (see Fig. 2). Planned<br />

future work includes the use of a Bridgman furnace<br />

to see the effect on the solidification microstructure<br />

and eutectic morphology using different growth<br />

velocities and temperature gradients. Al-Al 3 Ni regular<br />

eutectic will be use to confirm the steady state<br />

growth (see Fig. 2).<br />

Muhammad Zafar<br />

Lehrstuhl für Gießereikunde<br />

an der MUL seit: 2007<br />

Email: muhammad-zafar.zarif@stud.unileoben.ac.at<br />

institute.unileoben.ac.at/giessereikunde<br />

Zur Person:<br />

M.Sc Eng. from PIEAS, Pakistan<br />

derzeit: Ph.D. Student at Chair of Casting Research (MUL)<br />

A high purity Al-Si master alloy was prepared by arc<br />

melting under high vacuum to reduce contamination.<br />

The alloy was then melt-spun on a rotating Cu wheel<br />

to produce a ribbon 3 mm wide and 85 µm thick. The<br />

DSC traces obtained from the ribbons showed two<br />

exothermic peaks. The first peak corresponds to the<br />

solidification of grain boundary eutectic, while the<br />

second peak corresponds to solidification of eutectic<br />

droplets in the Al matrix (see Fig. 1). A brightfield<br />

TEM image of an entrained droplet (see Fig. 1).<br />

Forschungspartner:<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte:<br />

Solidification, especially modification of Al-Si and<br />

Al-Mg-Si alloys

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