28.02.2013 Aufrufe

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR


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164 Judith Plümer<br />

based on a few perl scripts that have no influence on the performance of the machine.<br />

If someone ran an extra broker for each MSC classification, the performance<br />

of the system would decrease drastically.<br />

Obviously the broker component is independent of the used metadata scheme<br />

and the offered kind of material which are preprints in this example. The same<br />

methods of retrieval work for any kind of documents enriched with metadata. .<br />

In the following we will discuss the advantages of RDF as a format for storing<br />

metadata in MPRESS and how the system can migrate.<br />

RDF compared to HTML META<br />

We don’t want to discuss the general advantages of the Resource Description<br />

Framework RDF (http://www.w3.org/RDF/) [Brickley, 2001] here. We just<br />

want to give an impression of what the difference implies for a system like<br />

MPRESS.<br />

RDF stores information in units of statements consisting of Subject, Predicate<br />

and Object. The combination of statements results in complex graphs that can<br />

be expressed in RDF. HTML META stores only attribute/value or NAME/<br />

CONTENT pairs. Or in the notion of RDF it stores Predicates and Objects so<br />

that the subject is thought of being the document itself.<br />

An example of the difference between HTML META and RDF in MPRESS<br />

is the presentation of two authors of a paper and their email adresses.<br />

In HTML this would look like:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

In the XML presentation of RDF it looks like:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Marie<br />

Mustermann<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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