28.02.2013 Aufrufe

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR


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MPRESS - transition of metadata formats 1<br />

Judith Plümer<br />

Universität Osnabrück, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik<br />

Abstract<br />

Progress in science is based on the availability and accessibility of its state of the<br />

art. Nowadays, in mathematics and related sciences this state of the art is reflected<br />

in electronically published preprints. In this way every author becomes his or<br />

her own publisher, consequently there is a lack of an organized accessibility of<br />

this material.<br />

The Mathematics PREprint Server System (MPRESS) is a service which offers<br />

an index of mathematical preprints which have been electronically published<br />

all over the world.<br />

Referencing more than 50,000 documents which reside on more than 100<br />

WWW servers, MPRESS is the largest index of mathematical preprints worldwide.<br />

The index data of the preprints are enriched by the use of metadata which<br />

improve the quality of retrieval dramatically.<br />

The development of metadata schemes and metadata encoding enforces a<br />

transition from plain metadata to RDF, as recommended by W3C.<br />

The paper sketches out the system of MPRESS and the related development<br />

in the area of metadata. The problems that these developments cause for a system<br />

like MPRESS are discussed and the transition to a new metadata scheme is<br />

presented together with the improvements that result from this transition.<br />

MPRESS - Transformation von Metadaten Formaten<br />

Wissenschaftlicher Fortschriff basiert auf der Verfügbarkeit des State of the Art.<br />

In Mathematik und verwandten Wissenschaften spiegelt sich der State of the Art<br />

in Preprints wieder, die heutzutage electronisch publiziert werden. Da jeder<br />

Author so zum Verleger wird, fehlt es an Organisation zur Verfügbarkeit des<br />

Materials.<br />

Das Mathematical Preprint Server System (MPRESS) ist ein System zur Bereitstellung<br />

eines Index mathematischer Preprints aus der ganzen Welt.<br />

Mit über 50.000 Dokumenten von über 100 WWW-Servern ist MPRESS der<br />

größte Nachweis mathematische Preprints weltweit. Die Indexdaten der Pre-<br />

1 This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

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