28.02.2013 Aufrufe

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR

Sharing Knowledge: Scientific Communication - SSOAR


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LIMES – A System for a Distributed Database Production in Mathematics 133<br />

MATH all over the world. To serve different mathematical communities, the<br />

partners and the LIMES team installed multilingual search interfaces. Most recently,<br />

starting with the ICM 2002 in Beijing, an interface in Chinese had been<br />

developed.<br />

Searches can be made using the following list of fields: authors, titles, classification<br />

(MSC 2000), basic index, source, language, year of publication, etc. A<br />

search can be formulated in logical combinations of these terms. For the search,<br />

a graphic menu is available. The information is given in the AMSTEX source<br />

code, but several choices for a convenient formula display are available. Links to<br />

the full text of the corresponding article have been installed, if this is available<br />

electronically. Other options to get the full text of such an article consist of central<br />

document delivery services. Buttons to connect to such services and to see if<br />

the corresponding article is available there are installed in the menu for the<br />

search.<br />

2 Related projects for accessing literature in mathematics<br />

and applications<br />

There are two projects with homepages hosted by EMIS which are designed to<br />

provide services related to Zentralblatt MATH. One of them, called EULER,<br />

was funded by the European Union and is established as a service supported by<br />

an ever growing consortium. The other one is the Jahrbuch-Project ERAM, funded<br />

by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.<br />

The goal of the EULER project was to develop a prototype of an Internet service<br />

which integrates some of the most relevant publication-related electronic<br />

resources in the field of mathematics. This should provide „one-stop-shopping“<br />

in heterogeneous resources for the user, for instance links to OPACs, databases,<br />

pre-print servers, electronic journals and other WWW-catalogues. More details<br />

on the project and the resulting service can be found in [2], [4] and in another<br />

presentation in this volume.<br />

The aim of the Jahrbuch-Project, which officially is called ERAM (Electronic<br />

Research Archive in Mathematics), is to capture the Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte<br />

der Mathematik as a classical bibliographic service in mathematics in a<br />

database and to use this activity to select important publications from the Jahrbuch<br />

period for digitisation and storage in a digital archive. Longevity is typical<br />

for research achievements in mathematics. Hence to improve the availability of<br />

the classical publications in mathematics and to enable quick information retrieval<br />

of these, electronic literature information services and digital archives of the<br />

complete texts are needed as important tools for mathematical research in the future.<br />

This is the reason why so many efforts are invested in projects like ERAM.

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