28.02.2013 Aufrufe

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin


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5. Prevention of further cooling out<br />

Organised rescue<br />

Mountain rescue vs. sea rescue<br />

• Heatpacks on the trunc<br />

• Warm, moist air / oxygen<br />

• Forced warm air / water<br />

• Warm perfusions ?<br />

• Portable forced air warming<br />

devices?<br />

6.<br />

Questions in accidental hypothermia<br />

M 9<br />

M 10<br />

• Lowest reversible acc.HT: 13,7 o Celsius?<br />

• Maximal afterdrop in C: 3-4 o • Maximal afterdrop in C: 3-4 Celsius ?<br />

• Longest successfull CPR: 6h 30 min.?<br />

• Longest time without circulation: 2-4 hours?<br />

• Longest survival submersion: 66 minutes?<br />

• Longest survival in avalanche: 44h / 13 d?<br />

• Cooling rates in the snow: 3 – 8 Co /hour?<br />

Hypothermia in the field<br />

Take home messages 1- 5:<br />

1. Hypothermia staging I -IV:<br />

Consciousness, Shivering, breathing/pulse<br />

2. Monitoring: g ECG and core-temperature p<br />

3. Breathing +: tympanic thermometer<br />

Breathing - : esophageal thermometer<br />

4. Asystolic hypothermia: Triage is for the<br />

patient and for the rescue-staff essential!<br />

5. Lowest actual reversible temp.: 13,7 o Celsius<br />

Prevention of further cooling out:<br />

Warm, moist air / oxygen<br />

Little Dragon<br />

E.Lloyd, Preceedings Int.Congress of Mountain Medicine 1997, Interlaken<br />

Wendling J., Durrer B., Preceedings Int.Congress of Mountain Medicine 1997, Interlaken<br />

Accidental hypothermia: an experimental study of inhalation rewarming. Hayward JS et al.<br />

Aviat Space Environ Med Oct 1975; 46(10) :1236-40<br />

The field treatment of hypothermia is<br />

the art of the possible!<br />

Hypothermia in the field<br />

Take home messages 6-10:<br />

6. Trauma rewarming with heparin-coated ECC<br />

7. HT III: Intubation and loosing time?<br />

88. HT III + II : Post P t rescue collapse ll possible! ibl !<br />

Preoxygenation reduces this risk!<br />

9. On-site prevention from further cooling out!<br />

10.There are still many questionmarks regarding<br />

the on – site therapy of accidental HT. A warm<br />

welcome to the Int. HT registry! ☺<br />


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