28.02.2013 Aufrufe

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin

abstracts 2010 - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gebirgsmedizin


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Start CPR:<br />

As soon as it can<br />

be continued<br />

without delay!<br />

Exceptions!!<br />

3. On-Site treatment of HT IV<br />

Durrer B., Brugger H.et al. Advanced changes in Resuscitation Hypothermia. Resuscitation. 2001; 50:243-246<br />

3. On-Site treatment of HT III<br />


Protective reflexes ?<br />

Yes:<br />

Intubate only if quick iv line !<br />

Lateral position, monitoring,<br />

No: Intubation<br />

Load and go or stay and play ?<br />

Durrer B., Brugger H.et al. Advanced changes in Resuscitation Hypothermia. Resuscitation. 2001; 50:243-246<br />

Potential Triggers for<br />

Ventricular Fibrillation:<br />

- Hypoxia<br />

- Rough g Handlingg<br />

- Suction<br />

- Intubation<br />

- Esophageal sonde<br />

Risk: < 33/ 32 o<br />

Risk ↑: < 28 o<br />

4. Post rescue collaps<br />

HT II + III<br />

M 8<br />

M 7<br />

Prevention:<br />

Good Pre-oxygenation !<br />

Grueskin J et al,A pilot study of mechanical stimulation and cardiac dysrhythmias in porcin model,<br />

Wilderness and Environ Med., Sumer 2007; 18(2):133-7<br />

3. On-Site treatment of HT III<br />

• Careful handling to avoid<br />

ventricular fibrillation<br />

• Monitoring<br />

• Treat additional injuries<br />

• Hospital: with CPB / FASR / CWD ?<br />

Durrer B., Brugger H.et al. Advanced changes in Resuscitation Hypothermia. Resuscitation. 2001; 50:243-246<br />

4. Post rescue collaps<br />

HT II + III<br />

HT II / III + uncareful handling:<br />

Afterdrop ↑ → Coretemperature<br />

Coretemperature↓ ↓<br />

Irritable myocardium<br />

triggers ventricular fibrillation<br />

Not much data - but many case reports ! 0,8% aller HT?<br />

B rooks CJ. et al. How much did cold shock … Occup Med (Lond) Sep 2005; 55(6) :459-62<br />

American Heart Association. American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency<br />

Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 2005;112:IV-136-IV-138<br />

5. Prevention of further cooling out<br />

Improvised<br />

• Wind-chill protection<br />

• Isolation layers, ground<br />

• Changing wet cloths<br />

• Hot sugared drinks drinks, food<br />

(HT I+II) !!!!<br />

• Body body rewarming<br />

Be After aware the excavation !! or after the rescue<br />

out of a crevasse the victim can cool out<br />

twice as fast! Wind and wet cloths!<br />

Giesbrecht GG et al. Treatment of mild immersion hypothermia by direct body-to-body contact.<br />

J Appl Physiol Jun 1994; 76(6) :2373-9<br />

M 9<br />


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