27.02.2013 Aufrufe

Bildungsstandards für die fortgeführte Fremdsprache (Englisch

Bildungsstandards für die fortgeführte Fremdsprache (Englisch

Bildungsstandards für die fortgeführte Fremdsprache (Englisch


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<strong>Bildungsstandards</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>die</strong> <strong>fortgeführte</strong> <strong>Fremdsprache</strong> (<strong>Englisch</strong> / Französisch) <strong>für</strong> <strong>die</strong> Allgemeine Hochschulreife<br />

Aufgabe 5 (Alternative) (Weiterer Prüfungsteil, Gewichtung: 20%)<br />

Role card for the student:<br />

You are Nissa and you are doing social work in a London youth club. You are very<br />

enthusiastic about community work and you are focusing particularly on bringing<br />

together young people from different ethnic backgrounds. For this year’s youth<br />

week, you have started a project called ‛Free Beats and Rhymes Workshop“,<br />

which is advertised in the poster below. You are the main contact for information<br />

about the workshop, its aims and intentions.<br />

Peter Walker, the local Member of Parliament, has asked you to meet him at his office<br />

in order to discuss the project. Be ready to defend the ‛Free Beats and Rhymes<br />

Workshop“ against criticism. The appointment will last 10 minutes.<br />

During the talk, you are expected to<br />

- inform Peter Walker about the project, its aims and intentions.<br />

- explain your personal involvement in the project.<br />

- allude to the fact that you have the support of the local newspaper.<br />

- explain why you are against the idea presented by Peter Walker.<br />

At the end of the conversation, Peter Walker and you are expected to come to an<br />

agreement.<br />


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