27.02.2013 Aufrufe

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...


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Sammeln 1910 – 2010 · Collecting 1910 – 2010<br />

networks were further contributory factors.<br />

The remainder of the surviving material, including the Willdenow<br />

Herbarium, the fern herbarium, the private herbarium of<br />

Joseph Bornmüller, purchased in 1938 but still in Weimar, as well<br />

as the newly acquired Gross Herbarium, provided the basis for a<br />

new start. From 1953, with the resumption of the publication of<br />

the institution’s own journal and a monographic series, the international<br />

publications exchange programme began once again<br />

to play an important role in the acquisition of periodicals. In the<br />

following years pre-existing collections and libraries tended to be<br />

acquired in preference to the <strong>und</strong>ertaking of collecting trips.<br />

By the 1970s, when expeditions to Togo, and later to the eastern<br />

Mediterranean, to Yemen and to Cuba built on old traditions,<br />

the political, ecological and scientific parameters of collecting had<br />

changed. Many blank spots on the botanical map had in the meantime<br />

disappeared, and international agreements increasingly<br />

guaranteed the claims of countries of origin.<br />

Nowadays plants are collected in the context of co-operative<br />

<strong>und</strong>ertakings with the institutions of the originating countries.<br />

These activities are strongly project-based and always in clearly<br />

circumscribed areas. At the same time, in an ever more targeted<br />

and thereby more sparing way, only those samples are taken that<br />

appear necessary for the particular research project and the particular<br />

enquiry at hand.<br />

Pflanzen sammeln in den Dolomiten, 1960er Jahre. BGBM, Archiv.<br />

Rechts: Warenbegleitschein für eine der ersten Sammelreisen in die US-<br />

Besatzungszone nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. BGBM, Archiv.<br />

Harrie Sipman (BGBM) auf den niederländischen Antillen, 2008. Aufnahme<br />

von Suzanne Nielsen.<br />

95<br />

It is certainly the case that today’s holdings of books and journals<br />

as well as of living plants exceed pre-1943 levels, whether<br />

this also applies to the herbarium, which currently numbers 3.5<br />

million specimens, remains doubtful. HWL

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