27.02.2013 Aufrufe

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...


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Sammeln 1910 – 2010 · Collecting 1910 – 2010<br />

The Dahlem Catastrophe 1943 – 1945<br />

The Second World War caused the partial destruction of the Botanic<br />

Garden and Botanical <strong>Museum</strong>. The majority of the preserved<br />

collections and the library burned in the night of 1 to 2 March<br />

1943. In April 1945 the holdings cultivated in the open land<br />

sustained severe damage, while the last collections cultivated in the<br />

greenhouses were destroyed during the last winter of the war and<br />

first winter following it.<br />

This has gone down in history as the ‘Dahlem catastrophe’, the<br />

Durch Phosphorbomben zerstörtes <strong>und</strong> ausgebranntes Treppenhaus im<br />

Botanischen <strong>Museum</strong>,1944. BGBM, Archiv.<br />

William Curtis, Flora Londinensis, Band 2, London 1781–1798, zerstört<br />

im Jahre 1943. BGBM, Bibliothek.<br />

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greatest loss that systematic botany worldwide has ever suffered.<br />

The life’s work of generations of botanists, which were of benefit to<br />

the whole world, had been decimated. Word of the tragedy quickly<br />

reached Kew, which then as now was the world’s largest institution<br />

for systematic botany, where in an internal memo Dahlem was<br />

designated the second largest collection in the world.<br />

Despite the ruinous state of the buildings, reconstruction work<br />

began while the Second World War was still in progress. Furnished<br />

with an immediate loan from the Reich Ministry for Science,<br />

Education and Culture, employees were already travelling in 1943<br />

to France, Belgium and Holland in order to buy up antiquarian<br />

books. Before total collapse ensued, the rector of Vienna University<br />

managed to send the herbarium of the Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft,<br />

which was not <strong>und</strong>er his jurisdiction, to the Botanical<br />

<strong>Museum</strong>’s storage depot in the Harz. Salvage operations and the<br />

belated return of the collections complicated the work of the institution<br />

in the early post-war years. HWL

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