27.02.2013 Aufrufe

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...

Ausstellungskatalog - Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum ...


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Präsentieren <strong>und</strong> Erklären 1910 – 2010 · Presenting and Explaining 1910 – 2010<br />

The Staging of Science<br />

The first press reports in 1910 hailed the finally opened Botanic<br />

Garden in Dahlem as a ‘temple grove of science’. Adolf Engler’s<br />

message had struck a chord. This garden was to be devoted primarily<br />

to science. As Engler acknowledged in his speech at the opening<br />

of the garden, ‘The Botanic Garden, however, has a duty to serve<br />

not only the needs of scholars but also the general public, to awaken<br />

and foster in them a joy in the forms and vital phenomena<br />

of plants and to reveal botany to them as scientia amabilis’. He<br />

wanted to appeal to wide circles of the population, to encourage<br />

exact observation of the plant world and to entice people into what<br />

was, at 42 hectares, the largest and most species-rich botanical<br />

garden in Germany.<br />

Enthroned in the middle of the conservatories, like the castle<br />

within a royal estate, is the Main Tropical Greenhouse, and laid<br />

out before it is the Italian Garden, which stands as a reference to<br />

garden history with its ‘baroque’ hedges and yew cones. Beginning<br />

at the foot of the glasshouses is the famous plant geographical section<br />

conceived by Engler, which takes visitors on a trip aro<strong>und</strong> the<br />

world. Science in the aesthetic guise of a landscape park, which<br />

uses the advantages of the hilly terrain interspersed with ponds,<br />

enabling both expert and stroller alike to journey through the empire<br />

of botany on gently contoured paths. MH<br />

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Adolf Engler führt um 1920 eine Besuchergruppe durch die „Alpen“,<br />

einen Teil der von ihm geplanten geographischen Abteilung in Dahlem.<br />

BGBM, Archiv.

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