24th ILAB International Antiquarian Book Fair - Vereinigung der ...

24th ILAB International Antiquarian Book Fair - Vereinigung der ... 24th ILAB International Antiquarian Book Fair - Vereinigung der ...

26.02.2013 Aufrufe

39 W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books Rick Watson PO Box 29745 ∙ London NW3 7ZW, Grossbritannien Telefon +44 (0)20 74310489 ∙ Fax +44 (0)20 74310495 E-Mail: info@watsonbooks.co.uk Wissenschaften ∙ Medizin ∙ Naturgeschichte Bianchini, Giovanni. [Illuminated manuscript astronomical treatise, entitled:] Tabulae de motibus planetarum [Ferrara, ca 1475] Folio, ff [4, blank] 150; [6, blank, original endleaves], ca 37 lines, manuscript on paper written in brown ink in a neat humanistic hand, signed by the scribe Francesco da Quattro Castella (near Reggio Emilia) on f 150v, 2–3 line initials in red or blue, large initial and coat-of-arms of the Scalomonte family, flanked by floral decoration, all illuminated in gold and body colours, on first text leaf, 231 full-page tables in red and brown ink; generally in fine condition, in its original binding of contemporary blindstamped goatskin. CHF 200 000.– A fine and complete deluxe illuminated manuscript of the astronomical tables of Giovanni Bianchini (1410–1469), astronomer attached to the Ferrara court of the d’Este. Bianchini was considered by his disciple Regiomontanus to be the greatest astronomer of his time, and his Tabulae was one of the most sophisticated and widely disseminated fifteenth-century attempts to improve the Alfonsine Tables, the thirteenth-century planetary tables that were relied upon by all astronomers and navigators well into the sixteenth century. Bianchini’s rigorous mathematical approach (he was the first to use decimal fractions) made the Alfonsine Tables available in a form that could be used by Renaissance astronomy. ‹There can be little doubt that early in his career Copernicus depended on Bianchini’s tables for planetary latitudes… Hence, Bianchini’s tables can be considered a source for Copernicus’s knowledge of astronomy’ (Goldstein and Chabas, Astronomical tables of Giovanni Bianchini p 573). Fuchs, Leonhard. De Historia Stirpium commentarii insignes. Basle, Michael Isingrin, 1542. Folio, with printer’s device on title and last leaf, woodcut portrait of Fuchs on verso of title, woodcut portraits of the artists, and 509 full-page woodcuts in text; a fine copy in contemporary blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards, contemporary ownership inscription at foot of title crossed out. CHF 115 000.– First edition of Fuchs’ celebrated herbal. It effected a revolution in the natural sciences, comparable to that of Copernicus in astronomy and Vesalius in anatomy, both of which appeared the following year. Adams F1099; Dibner 19; Horblit 33b; Hunt 48; Norman 846; Parkinson p 37; PMM 69; Stillwell 640 Paracelsus, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim. Opus chyrurgicum… Wund und Artzney Buch. Frankfurt, Sigmund Feyrabendr, 1565. Folio, title in red and black with woodcut of a sickroom scene with two surgical operations taking place (a trepanation and an amputation), and 36 woodcuts (from 13 different blocks) in text, 31 by Jost Amman, each chapter with large woodcut initial; a very attractive copy, with contemporary annotations, in contemporary blindstamped German pigskin. Provenance: elaborate sixteenline Latin inscription titled ‹Aenigma L:P› on front pastedown, initialed with a monogram ‹W.F.L.› and dated 13 May 1597; contemporary annotations to texts, in German and Latin, in red and blank ink, throughout. CHF 20 000.– First illustrated edition, with woodcuts by Jost Amman, of Paracelus’ Grosse Wundartzney, his most important medical text. The fine Amman woodcuts, designed for this edition, include scenes of a hospital room, trepanation, amputation, lithotomy, treating head wounds in a field hospital, a dissection scene, et al. Sudhoff 69 (with a list of the woodcuts); Durling 3470; Wellcome 4745 140 24th ILAB International Antiquarian Book Fair

Bianchini, Giovanni. [Illuminated manuscript astronomical treatise, entitled:] Tabulae de motibus planetarum [Ferrara, ca 1475] W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books 141

Bianchini, Giovanni. [Illuminated manuscript astronomical treatise, entitled:]<br />

Tabulae de motibus planetarum [Ferrara, ca 1475]<br />

W. P. Watson <strong>Antiquarian</strong> <strong>Book</strong>s 141

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