25.02.2013 Aufrufe

PDF 3409KB - DAR - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ...

PDF 3409KB - DAR - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ...

PDF 3409KB - DAR - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und ...


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The main requirement lies in assessing the applicant's abilities to carry out not only the<br />

necessary technical tasks (equipment, reference data, working method, staff training, etc.)<br />

to assess conformity with the main requirements of the directive concerned, but also to<br />

provide quality organisation which successfully completes these tasks and allows them to<br />

be monitored.<br />

To carry out this assessment, particularly as regards organisational quality, the notifying<br />

authorities use the accreditation obtained from the national accrediting body, the Comité<br />

Français d’Accréditation (COFRAC), for the field of activity concerned regarding the<br />

relevant EN 45000 standard. Where accreditation exists in the body’s field of action, it is<br />

requested, but it is not considered sufficient to assess the body's competence and ability.<br />

Where it does not exist for the activity concerned, the authorities may themselves carry<br />

out, or request COFRAC or any other relevant body to carry out, investigations to assess<br />

the applicant body’s abilities.<br />

In all cases, accreditation alone is considered insufficient to assess not only the<br />

competence of the applicant to be authorised, but also the provisions taken to maintain its<br />

competence; this is why the public authorities attach particular importance to certain<br />

criteria, which they themselves assess directly and which the applicants must show proof<br />

of observing:<br />

➣ they must have genuine experience of the necessary tests and examinations,<br />

which can be testified to, for instance, by their volume of activity,<br />

references and experience in product certification;<br />

➣ they must clearly specify what conformity assessment tasks they wish to<br />

carry out regarding technical specifications and indicate the methods of<br />

conformity assessment applicable to the products that are to receive the<br />

CE marking provided for <strong>und</strong>er the directive concerned;<br />

➣ they must prove their involvement in the standardisation work covering<br />

their field of technical activity for the purposes of CE marking;<br />

➣ they must <strong>und</strong>ertake to participate in the national and European bodies for<br />

the coordination of notified bodies (public authorities have helped set up a<br />

national coordination body for each of the directives). The structure of<br />

national coordination makes it possible to reduce participation at European<br />

level by delegating one or more representatives who will act as spokesmen<br />

and rapporteurs. This promotes the sharing and harmonisation of practices<br />

and interpretations;<br />

➣ they must guarantee separation of the activities carried out in relation to<br />

their designation <strong>und</strong>er the directives from those concerning voluntary<br />

certification, auditing and consultancy work. However, this question must<br />

be examined realistically, particularly by COFRAC. A certain level of<br />

activity outside the regulatory field may be necessary for the notified<br />

bodies to maintain their financial equilibrium and by the same token a<br />

certain level of competence;<br />


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