25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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Marx Hubbard (for "the elders"), David Spangler (for "John", "Pan" and simply "God") and<br />

Ruth Montgomery.<br />

There is one all-inclusive document that does not exist on the physical plane, which<br />

occultists say may be briefly glimpsed only at the 'highest level of consciousness': this is<br />

called the "Akashic Record", said to be an imprint of all past and future events.<br />

9. How good are the NA gods as Guides? A sample of their track record:<br />

9a. Joint Cooperation and Responsibility - Although the "Masters" revealed to Blavatsky that<br />

they are "bound together in one spiritual solidarity of thought and deed," (_Isis Unveiled_ II,<br />

p.159), their united deed does not always bring about the promised results. They have even<br />

admitted making errors in choosing their vehicles - repeatedly - after confirming the wisdom<br />

of their choices. If these were indeed errors of judgment, not only is the specific "Master" to<br />

blame, but the entire Hierarchy, since "there is the closest co-operation in all departments...<br />

Owing to the Unity of consciousness of those who are free from the three lower planes, what<br />

transpires in one department is known in the others." (Alice Bailey, _Initiation Human and<br />

Solar_, p.106) Yet when an earthly channel proves disappointing, it is not the infinitely more<br />

advanced god-entity who takes responsibility, but the hapless human who had previously been<br />

promoted as a Light to the enlightened. For example, Krishnamurti was hailed as a true<br />

vehicle of Maitreya by the Theosophical Society, and he asserted with obvious devotion in<br />

1927, "I am blending into the consciousness of the one Teacher... He will completely fill me."<br />

(_Krishnamurti: The Years of Awakening_, p.241). Only 5 years later, his "Teacher" publicly<br />

disowned him in a most humiliating manner: "It became all but impossible for him to be used<br />

any longer as my medium." ("Lord Maitreya", _Through the Eyes of the Masters: Meditations<br />

and Portraits_, p.66) Even Alice Bailey herself, who dedicated her life as a channel for the<br />

"Masters", got the ax nearly 30 years ago in a similarly ungrateful tone: "In the past we have<br />

had to withdraw our support from those who were given the opportunity to represent us. The<br />

one who for a time had the opportunity of representing the master Djwal Kuhl soon lost that<br />

authority through intellectual pride and the brittleness of the lower mental body, which can<br />

never be the channel of the mind of God. Thus I expose to you the false teachings subtly<br />

woven into the work of Alice Bailey, whose failure to surrender totally rendered her unfit as<br />

an instrument of the Tibetan Master." ("Master Kuthumi", "An Expose of False Teachings",<br />

_Pearls of Wisdom_ 19/5, Feb. 1, 1976, p.28) [This is a warning to NA channels everywhere<br />

to expect no thanks for their years of service if they should fall from favor for any reason. It<br />

also represents a crisis of confidence for those who base their lives on "transmissions from the<br />

Masters". If Bailey's works are shot through with "false teaching", then the Hierarchy did not<br />

show a basic level of responsibility by stopping the UN, Lucis Trust, Robert Muller and all<br />

the other NA missionaries now spreading Bailey's teachings in their entirety. On the other<br />

hand, if Bailey teachings are still valid, then there must be false Masters roaming about,<br />

feeding disinformation to gullible NA audiences... in which case one might ask why all<br />

transmissions and "Masters" should not be considered suspect.]<br />

9b. Judging Human Development - The "Masters" have an iffy track record in prediction as<br />

well, even when they blame humans in advance for any potential error. Ruth Montgomery<br />

relayed from her "Guides" the warning that a nuclear World War III would take place in 1987,<br />

unless enlightened humanity banded together to "send forth the energies toward peace." They<br />

gloomily predicted, however, that this war was "unlikely to be averted." (_Strangers..._<br />

p.191) "Were there millions of Walk-ins working in unison, that catastrophe could perhaps be<br />

prevented, but in this present age of prosperity how many luxury lovers are likely to say to a<br />

disincarnate, 'Take my place.'" (p.53-54) [Here, compared to only 10 pages earlier, we see an<br />

abrupt switch from the compassionate offer to relieve discouraged individuals of their

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