25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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space) and "overshadows" a chosen spokesman, who then relays his "transmissions", which<br />

are instructions from the Hierarchy to guide the human race into the next cycle of "evolution".<br />

Five times previously at a key "transition time" (one for each subrace), Bailey relates (through<br />

Djwhal Kuhl) that Maitreya chose Buddha, Hermes, Zoraster, Orpheus, and Jesus as his<br />

vehicles. [in spite of the Jews starring in the 4th subrace of Aries, there is no mention of<br />

Maitreya meeting Moses...] In the early 1900s, it was predicted by Theosophical Society<br />

leader Annie Besant that Maitreya would inhabit a physical body this century; a young Hindu<br />

named Jiddu Krishnamurti was chosen in the 1920s as the vehicle. Although the<br />

"overshadowing" was reported to have taken place for a few moments (_The Theosophist_<br />

47/4, Jan. 1926), conveying a message from the "Brotherhood", it failed to become<br />

permanent. But the "descent" of Maitreya has been consistently expected by Theosophists<br />

and other NAers since those days.<br />

More recently, Maitreya has chosen the British disciple of Bailey, Benjamin Creme, NA<br />

teacher and the figurehead of World Goodwill and Share International, to occasionally<br />

channel his instructions - or so Creme has been claiming since 1981. [Creme was the first<br />

since Krishnamurti to claim overshadowing from Maitreya, but he now has competition - the<br />

Lord Maitreya being entertained at the UN is not apparently channeled by Creme.] Maitreya,<br />

according to Creme, has held the "office of Christ" for the last 2600 years. [Aha! that's why he<br />

never mentioned Moses - he missed him by about 1000 years... but then that means he also<br />

missed the earlier subraces which Bailey said he was supposed to guide...] Although the<br />

Christian title is used often, Creme and other NA spokesmen insist that Maitreya is the one all<br />

the world faiths are waiting for, including Jews who await the Messiah. At some point,<br />

Maitreya (by then in a physical body) will allow Lucifer to enter the human vehicle as well,<br />

when all are "freed from the unreasoning fear" of that latter name - an event which will usher<br />

in the "Luciferic initiation" [see in The Plan section]<br />

4. The god who brings inner Light to man: Lucifer.<br />

Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light bringer", according to the Theosophical Society (Ina<br />

Belderis, "Some Light on Lucifer", _Sunrise Magazine_, Oct/Nov. 1996). Bailey and her<br />

disciple Creme both identified him with the one the Jews called "helel ben shahar" (Isaiah<br />

14:12), which they translate as "shining one, son of the morning" (_The Beacon_, vol. XLVII,<br />

no 9, 1978, pub by Lucis Trust). This is directly taken from Bailey's own title for Lucifer<br />

(_Esoteric Psychology I_, p.395), where she acknowledges that he led a "war in Heaven"<br />

when "some of the sons of God fell from their high estate." However, she dismisses the<br />

event as "a trifling incident" in cosmic terms, and urges us to "readjust your sense of values".<br />

Belderis concurs that people have overreacted to this being's fall: "And yet it is this lucifer,<br />

the bright one or lightbearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan,<br />

Lord of Darkness." Due to Christian tradition - originally drawn from Jewish tradition of<br />

course - Lucifer's activity and intentions have come to be deliberately slandered, whereby he<br />

was renamed "Satan", from the Hebrew "hasatan" or "the enemy". [This other name, however,<br />

didn't bother Helena Blavatsky in the least. See below.] Lucifer is also identified by New<br />

Agers as "the anointed cherub who was in the Garden of Eden" (see Ezekiel 28:12-15), and<br />

honored for being the first "god" to offer to share godhood with mankind (appearing to Adam<br />

and Eve as the serpent).<br />

But since many from the "old paradigm" are not able to accept his proper name, Lucifer<br />

allows men to call him "Krishna", "Buddha", or even "Christ/Messiah", and to honor him in a<br />

veiled symbolic form. This being and his mission are indeed already symbolized in many<br />

cultures, say NAers. Astrologically he is represented by the planet Venus, known as the<br />

Morning Star, "the first radiant beam that does away with the darkness of night. It is a symbol

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