25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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ut still is bound to service: now to further the plans of the "three Logoi" (or simply "the<br />

Logos") who are at "Chohan" level (two of them at 6th level, and one at the 7th or "Buddha"<br />

level, a state "completely free in the one cosmic entity".<br />

While this Logos trinity [see below] is considered the collective CEO for the Hierarchy on<br />

earth, around them are others which make up the "central esoteric group of Six, who, with the<br />

Lord of the World, form the heart of hierarchical effort." (_Initiation_, p.30) Below these are<br />

assorted "Solar Angels" or "Greater Builders", which Bailey says "from the Christian<br />

standpoint, are the Holy Spirit" (_Cosmic Fire_, p.617). The fact that the Christians learned<br />

this "misnomer" and many other mistakes from the Jews is evidence of the need for<br />

Christianity to be "purged" of Jewish influences. [Curiously, in _Secret Doctrine_ HPB<br />

expressly identifies "Solar Angels" as "fallen Angels", a uniquely Jewish/Christian idea<br />

derived from the Hebrew Nefilim, beings who were on earth in pre-Flood times - Genesis 6:4.<br />

"Fallen" denotes an abrupt involuntary movement downward... far from flattering, especially<br />

when presented as an unchanged position. Even more curiously, Bailey makes sure to<br />

footnote this quote in _Cosmic Fire_, IID, p.953. Jewish influence is indeed hard to shake<br />

off.] There are also "Devas", "Pitris", "Builders", "Brothers of Light", and numerous other<br />

"Masters" - among the last are Kut Humi [NA uses a few variant spellings, sic in Bailey's<br />

_Initiation_], Morya, Rakoczi (alias St. Germain), Serapis, Jupiter, Jesus, Hilarion (alias St.<br />

Paul), Kryon, to name a few - with the most popular today being Bailey's own guide, "The<br />

Tibetan Master" or "Djwhal Khul" (also credited with dictating Blavatsky's _The Secret<br />

Doctrine_).<br />

2b. All Masters are carefully grouped by level of initiation, and are themselves dedicated to<br />

upward mobility. They are commissioned to teach others of lower rank who are ready to<br />

improve their own standing. It is to one or more of those at the Master levels that NA<br />

disciples appeal for enlightenment and empowerment. But except for the "teacher-disciple"<br />

label, the process more closely resembles a "Fortune 100" corporation than an educational or<br />

spiritual center. One may not choose his/her teacher; a disciple is approached by a Master<br />

according to his/her spiritual aptitude and experience, and the disciple's progress is monitored<br />

by the Master who submits regular "supervision reports to the Head of one of the three<br />

departments", noting when the learner is "nearing the Portal of Initiation" to the next level.<br />

His name is then submitted to the Brotherhood Lodge, and his "application" is decided by<br />

ballot vote. (p.110) Promotion to a higher degree of initiation entitles one to pass to a<br />

correspondingly higher Master. Initiates (those in a body or out) who perform exceptionally<br />

might attain to the "Inner, or Closed" circle, an elite power base hidden within each<br />

Brotherhood, becoming participants in a "Group Mind" which is not accessible to rank-andfile<br />

Brothers (this applies especially to "walk-ins" - see below). [In this context, I note that<br />

more than a fair share of NAers have claimed to be a disciple of Maitreya, and even his direct<br />

mouthpiece to humanity - as though he were an ordinary Master rather than part of the nearlyunapproachable<br />

Logos. But such presumption doesn't seem to faze those hungry for "divine<br />

transmissions". Even at the UN, where the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation<br />

regularly hosts channelers, this obstensibly knowledgeable group saw no incongruity in "Lord<br />

Maitreya" addressing a meager 40-member audience with no higher standing than the "UN<br />

Staff Recreational Council".... On the other hand, his "message" was so unoriginal and vague<br />

that it deserved the obscurity it received.]<br />

3. The god who represents the Hierarchy to man: Maitreya the Christ. At the crucial times<br />

of new ages, such as the advent of a "subrace" [see Human History section], a spirit known as<br />

"Maitreya" or "World Teacher" - the most "highly evolved being" known to man - descends<br />

from a hidden high place or "power vortex" (variously identified as the Himalayas or outer

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