25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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left with explaining why. What history or origins will you base your conviction on? To what<br />

can you attribute the crazy staying power of a people who hold the record as the all-time<br />

favorite target for annihilation - including several efforts at self-erasure? If you don't fall<br />

back on some kind of Higher Power as an explanation, your rational processes will begin to<br />

suffer from cognitive dissonance.<br />

Of course you can always accept the humbling but satisfying answer that the G-d of Israel<br />

lives. Not that we understand everything He has done with our people, but He is apparently<br />

there - and involved. He's been keeping some very unlikely promises, in the face of some<br />

very impressive opposition. He is not daunted by His own people's skeptism, or their outright<br />

denial of His existence. His promises include dealing a final blow to "the wise men of<br />

Babylon" who "rule the whole earth" [never achieved until this day of global culture] and "the<br />

daughter of the Kasdim" with her "sorceries" (Jer. 50 and 51, Isa. 14 and 47). It is noteworthy<br />

that "Helel ben Shahar", the New Agers' "light-bearer", receives judgment from G-d as the<br />

king of Babylon (Isa. 14:3-23).<br />

2. Restoring Your Own Jewish Spirituality<br />

- for Observant Jews<br />

"Have I been taught real Torah?"<br />

You may have never questioned whether what you have absorbed is really a Jewish faith,<br />

especially if you are in orthodox circles. But since New Agers are boasting control of the<br />

culture we have grown up in, and even penetration into the Torah community, it's time to<br />

investigate.<br />

Is everything you have accepted about the nature of G-d and man, good and evil, based on the<br />

teachings of the eternal, unchanging Torah? Is it based on teachings of Jewish leaders who<br />

never violated Deuteronomy 4:2 or 12:32 by cancelling or "reinventing" Torah? Does your<br />

community believe that certain Torah commandments can be disregarded by certain rabbis or<br />

mekubalim because of their lofty spirituality?<br />

Are your leaders teaching Torah, or are they (even unknowingly) offering a mixture of Torah<br />

and "universal ideas" from other religions? It's true that Torah contains universal ideas, but<br />

with clear boundaries and exclusions. Of special relevance here, we are explicitly<br />

commanded not to "inquire" how idol worshipers "serve their gods" so that we can "do<br />

likewise" for our own G-d. (Deut. 12:30) Is there anything in the body of today's accepted<br />

traditions passing as "Jewish" that can be found in ancient mystery religions, but not in<br />

Torah? Do you even know the Five Books well enough to answer that question?<br />

(Isaiah 8:19-20, literal translation from Hebrew:)<br />

"And when they say to you, 'Seek the mediums [channelers] and wizards [adepts in occult<br />

mysteries] who chirp and mutter; shall not a people seek its god on behalf of the living among<br />

the dead?' To the Law and to the Testimony, if they will not speak according to this word:<br />

that it has no dawn [shahar]."<br />

In other words, do not follow those leaders who refuse to confirm the fact that this is not the<br />

"dawning of a new age" and that Lucifer is not "son of the morning". Do not follow those<br />

who condone occult activities like communing with the dead. If you can't find such a rabbi to<br />

teach you, then stick to "the Law and the Testimony" on your own.

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