25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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twin NA concepts of reincarnation and some form of "karma" [such as "tikkun", a Kabbalistic<br />

doctrine which only differs from standard karma in teaching that G-d rather than a cosmic<br />

force sends a Jew into multiple lives to repair mistakes or cosmic imbalance], it will begin to<br />

sound logical that if Jews are being repeatedly singled out for suffering and untimely death,<br />

they as a group must indeed owe some collective karmic debt. The NAers are confident that<br />

Jews who accept the karmic view of suffering will also accept the karmic requirement of<br />

passive submission to whatever befalls themselves and their loved ones - especially if<br />

appropriate spirits of their "luminaries" [the ranking system for advanced practitioners of<br />

Kabbalah, corresponding to the NA ranking of their "Iluminati" or "enlightened ones"] appear<br />

to them with promises of a favorable future life as a reward for voluntary submission. Such<br />

visitations will be credited by NA teachers to the activity of Maitreya - his merciful<br />

contribution to help ease the passage of the Jewish race from this dimension.<br />

7a. A NA-Manufactured Messiah<br />

For those who cling tightly to Torah-from-Sinai Judaism, even "Messiah" is scheduled to<br />

appear, to command them to obey Maitreya whom he also serves. Leading occultist Peter<br />

LeMesurier, in his book _The Armaggedon Script_, outlines the "script" for a simulated<br />

arrival of the Jewish Messiah (p.231-233) tailored for Jewish acceptance. He is to arrive in<br />

Israel incognito, and devote himself to studying everything expected of the Messiah: Tenach<br />

prophecies, Dead Sea Scrolls, current Jewish expectations, prophecies from other religions.<br />

He must then harness the science of earthquake prediction to show up on the Mount of Olives<br />

during an earthquake. He will proceed to Jerusalem from the east, accompanied by a<br />

procession in shining white, enter the tomb of King David, and come out miraculously<br />

dressed in perfumed royal robes, as David reincarnated. His ascension to the Temple Mount<br />

to be crowned King of Israel will be a matter of course, given his popular support. What<br />

about resistance from suspicious Jews and/or Christians? "The massed forces of the Old Age,<br />

however, will be unable to check their headlong onrush. In large measure they will go on to<br />

destroy each other in a massive, mutual venting of long pent-up aggression." (p.237) [This<br />

confident assumption shows awareness of the NA plan to keep Jews and Christians<br />

mistrustful of each other. Or perhaps it refers to the ongoing conflict between Jews and<br />

Moslems, which more accurately displays a seemingly unstoppable "aggression"; that rift also<br />

serves the Plan.] Meanwhile, this messiah will go on to lead the "youth of the world" in<br />

"spreading the already developing ideas and values upon which the New Age is to be<br />

founded.... It is for the soul of man that the New David will have to fight."<br />

Was LeMesurier's "script", written in 1982, taken seriously by anyone? Major publishers in<br />

the U.S. and England snapped the book up, as well as a British book club which made it a<br />

featured selection. A group of 125 prominent Carl Jung disciples met the following year to<br />

discuss the plan's feasibility - from a Jungian viewpoint, acting out the "messiah myth" might<br />

help release humanity's "collective unconscious" from its long fixation on the "apocalypse<br />

idea" which is holding back spiritual enlightenment. Among the attendees were Dr. Robert<br />

Jay Lifton of Yale, leading Jungian scholar James Hillman and Wolfgang Giegerich of the<br />

Jung Institute in Stuttgart. (See _New Age Journal_ Sep. 1983, cited by attorney Constance<br />

Cumbey, _A Planned Deception_, p.11)<br />

This nod to ancient Jewish tradition is considered a final strategy to wean the Jews away from<br />

the religion of their forefathers. In view of all the NA missionary efforts directed at Jews, the<br />

preferred scenario is that before leaving the scene, the Jews would first put their G-d to death<br />

by admitting that their faith and its Object are flawed, outdated, unsatisfying, incapable of real<br />

life without injections of pantheist spirituality, or even a total fiction. As Bailey wrote (_A<br />

Treatise on Cosmic Fire_ IID, p.948), the "Law of Karma" dictates that the "gigantic thought

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