25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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challenge and "transform" it, for which they are willing to suffer persecution.] Yet in spite of<br />

rabbinic opposition, Berg has managed to amass a small fortune - in 1989 he registered a net<br />

worth of $9.6 million, with net gains of $6.1 million and gross profits of $2.5 million from<br />

sales of the 24-volume _Zohar_ ...at the New York Centre alone. New branches are<br />

springing up every year. Besides Toronto, the KC now has branches in the U.S. (NYC -<br />

Queens and Manhattan, Chicago, LA, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Fernando Valley,<br />

Philadelphia, North Miami, Boca Raton) and in Mexico City, Paris, Sao Paulo (Brazil),<br />

London, Santiago (Chile) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). Not to mention four branches in<br />

Israel (Tel Aviv, Haifa, Tiberias, Jerusalem).<br />

But our main interest in this report is KC's teaching about Kabbalah itself, which strongly<br />

follows NA thought. According to the KC website, their brochures [I have one in Hebrew]<br />

and their salespeople [I have met two at my door], studying Kabbalah brings life-changing<br />

benefits on all levels: cures for any illness, domestic harmony, wealth, career success, relief<br />

from emotional problems, spiritual enlightenment, answers to all life's questions, supernatural<br />

powers, divination of the future, elimination of war and hatred. Actually, Kabbalah is just<br />

another spiritual path which unlocks one's limitless human potential: "It is important to<br />

understand that the spiritiual [sic] knowledge of our universe is already known within our<br />

souls. The act of learning Kabbalah is merely the instrument that stirs and awakens this<br />

knowledge from within us." Not only that, but the KC is not even about Kabbalah really:<br />

"Unfortunately, division and separation does cause severe damage. Once again, the sole<br />

purpose of The Kabbalah Center is to remove these negative and destructive barriers and to<br />

look for ways to unite." (from the website FAQ, emphasis mine) This single-minded<br />

determination to end "separation" [commanded by G-d for the Jews but forbidden in the NA]<br />

comes from, of all places, Kabbalah itself: "Kabbalah teaches us that unity can only occur<br />

through diversity."<br />

To benefit from the KC's "unity in diversity" [a clear code phrase used by NAers<br />

everywhere], participants need not accept Judaism. Torah and the mitzvot are optional and<br />

need not enter the equation at all. Berg's students, Jews and non-Jews alike, may come from<br />

any spiritual background, absorb whatever they find useful at his Centre (for a hefty fee), and<br />

continue on the spiritual path of their choice. In every city where KC has offices, the _Zohar_<br />

is sold door-to-door by Berg disciples, without regard for whether the buyer is a Jew or non-<br />

Jew, monotheist or pagan (In Israel, the sales efforts range far beyond the immediate vicinity<br />

of their offices). Berg admits that most students (and some teachers) cannot even read<br />

Hebrew, but no matter. Not only is basic Torah study not required, or identification with<br />

Judaism, but one doesn't even need to read and understand the _Zohar_ itself - just staring<br />

blankly at it by day and putting it under your pillow at night will bring you spiritual<br />

fulfillment. This is Berg's interpretation of "open study of Kabbalah," and he cites Kabbalists<br />

such as Rabbi Abraham Azulay for support. He could have also cited Kabbalists Sabbatai<br />

Zevi and Jakob Frank, as the Task Force article observes.<br />

And what is Berg's personal commitment to orthodox Judaism, which he says he embraces?<br />

"Judaism is not concerned with conforming to a strict religious way of life [involving] certain<br />

ritual tasks. On the contrary, the goal is to connect to metaphysical forces through which we<br />

can fulfill our Desire to Receive.... To say that a particular deed or action is 'halachically<br />

incorrect' is not to say that one is doing wrong, is not an observant Jew or is not fitting into<br />

the mainstream of Judaism. We are merely making the observation that the particular action in<br />

question is not properly connecting with the energy pattern available to it." (_The Kabbalah<br />

Connection_, p.43,44) Thus the object of Berg's "Jewish" worship moves from G-d to the<br />

familiar NA "forces", and "Jewish" conduct becomes an issue of energy alignment rather than

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