25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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excellent source material on New Acropolis and other NA cults, see the website by Dutch<br />

historian Dr. Herman de Tollenaere]<br />

Another example is Jungian psychology: Carl Jung was devoted to his spirit guide<br />

"Philemon", to occult practices and to racist Ayranism. (See Harvard professor Richard Noll's<br />

books, _The Jung Cult_ and _The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung_, the sources<br />

for details which follow.) An excellent analysis of Jung's indebtedness to Theosophy and<br />

other mystery religions, based on Noll's research, is offered by Janet Biehl at "The Social<br />

Ecology Project". Researcher D. Sklar (_The Nazis and the Occult_) outlines Jung's<br />

experiences as a child in a spiritist family, which convinced him that he was chosen by God to<br />

be a prophet of the Age of Aquarius. Pivotal life events continued to revolve around spiritist<br />

and occultic involvement; Jungian psychologist Morton Kelsey states that Jung viewed<br />

witchcraft and shamanism as beneficial exercises (as does Kelsey himself). A key turning<br />

point was Jung's self-induced psychotic breakdown in December 1913, in which he was<br />

"transformed" into the Mitraic lion-headed god, "Aion". This experience directly led to his<br />

key concepts of "archetypes", the "collective subconscious" mind and the irrelevance of<br />

reality in the face of perceived reality [ideas long taught in Hinduism and occult circles]. His<br />

quotes concerning his brand of psychoanalysis show that he wanted to duplicate his 1913<br />

experience in others. [We might say that his efforts to lose his mental stability were so<br />

successful that he dedicated the rest of his career to helping others lose theirs....] Jung's stated<br />

goals are "self-deification" and the corresponding "death" of one's "personal being", which as<br />

Noll points out are the components of a gnostic initiation experience. But perhaps one of the<br />

biggest shocks for Jewish Jungian fans will be the discovery that Jung's ideal psychotherapy<br />

system was one in which "German psychology" would be kept carefully separate from any<br />

taint of "Jewish psychology" [see the Nazism section for details].<br />

And then there is NA religion parading as "science" in neo-Darwinism and evolutionism.<br />

One of the leading thinkers in this field, Dr. Michael Ruse, has proposed that the myth of<br />

evolution as "science" be laid to rest, pointing out that it is actually a "secular religion" due to<br />

its reliance on "metaphysical" assumptions. [Regarding this last item, which might tempt<br />

creationists to celebrate, I have good news and bad news. Yes, this can level the playing field<br />

in the fight to get equal time for creationism in public education, and lay to rest the unfair<br />

science-religion dichotomy which has censored Biblical models. There are a growing number<br />

of scientists who are ready to ditch Darwin as science. But monotheists will face a worse<br />

situation when evolutionism undergoes the "paradigm shift" which physicist-psychologist<br />

Peter Russell (a Bailey disciple and Findhorn member) insists must transform all sciences:<br />

from a system that has "no place for God" and comes up with too few answers, to a spiritual<br />

system where "God" is "within human consciousness" and factual answers are not necessary.<br />

(See<br />

"Science and Spirituality", _World Goodwill Newsletter_, No.2, 1997. WG is a branch of<br />

Lucis Trust, publisher of Bailey's works.) Biblical creationism will then be challenged by a<br />

synthesis of evolution-creation in which all the current flaws of standard evolution are<br />

plugged with NA teaching: the missing links will be solved by visitations from alien<br />

"creators" who triggered "quantum leaps" in human evolution; life's irreducible complexity<br />

will be acknowledged with references to forces and deities no less impressive than the G-d of<br />

the Bible; and any remaining inconsistencies can be ignored and explained (as Russell says)<br />

as "maya" - the illusion of material reality. Under those circumstances, we can expect the<br />

current reluctance among scientists to allow creationism into the schools will give away - not<br />

in defeat but in the confidence that whatever creation science has to say will no longer<br />

threaten them. They will expect the children to be so indoctrinated that Biblical models will<br />

not impress them.]

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