25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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District 45J3, Oregon Dept. of Education). The latter was declared a success on national TV<br />

by Marc Tucker, Executive Director of the "National Center on Education and Economy", a<br />

creation of the Carnegie Foundation which counts Hillary Clinton and David Rockefeller<br />

among its Board members. [Students and parents, on the other hand, called it an abysmal<br />

failure and an orchestrated fraud. By 1996, the controversy erupted in a group lawsuit, which<br />

of course received scant media attention.] From the obscure testing ground of the first NA<br />

school to the fully legislated NA education now operative in America, no more than 30 years<br />

had passed.<br />

3a. The NA principles of Alice Bailey are being progressively spread to all school children.<br />

They are already securely embedded in the system adopted by the U.S. Department of<br />

Education for public schools across the country. One of the schools which incorporated OBE<br />

in its experimental stage was Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (Jefferson<br />

County), the site of a student-led massacre a decade later. [While no solid conclusions can be<br />

drawn here, just knowing this detail provides a horribly plausible explanation for what went<br />

wrong in that quiet "normal" community. Littleton, we should note, was only No. 6 in 8<br />

incidents of "unexplained random shootings" of classmates within two years, committed by<br />

students aged 11-18. It is not hard to guess why the government and media, which publicly<br />

claim to be at a loss for a plausible cause in every one of these incidents, uniformly fail to<br />

mention an educational curriculum which includes both "death education" and the teaching<br />

that no personal values may be condemned by external authority.]<br />

Private schools are eventually to be included in OBE monitoring as well, under the auspices<br />

of the National Education Goals Panel, which declared in 1991 that the National Goals 2000<br />

framework "must take into account those students who do not attend public elementary and<br />

secondary schools [in] our measure of progress." (_Potential Strategies for Long-Term<br />

Indicator Development_, Report No. 91-08, p.37) Nor will home-schooling provide an<br />

escape. Iowa legislators have already authorized the Department of Education to dictate which<br />

tests home-schooled children will be required to take in order to be accepted as "educated"; if<br />

they should fail to pass an OBE-based exam favored by this federal body, state law will<br />

consider them "truant" and in need of child welfare intervention. On the national level, the<br />

National Education Association (NEA) has proposed that home-schooled children be required<br />

to use "a curriculum provided by the State Department of Education" and "meet all state<br />

requirements" to pass. (NEA 1992-93 Resolutions, pub. Sept. 1993)<br />

3b. An important tangent: Are "Goals 2000" and OBE being forced on Americans, or not?<br />

This is being hotly debated at the moment. Parents and local school authorities claim to have<br />

found evidence that the "voluntary" nature of OBE is a sham designed to deceive the public, a<br />

strategy which is sanctioned at the highest government levels. The federal "Goals 2000<br />

Educate America Act" itself contains plans (S.1150) to eventually replace the high school<br />

diploma with the CIM (Certificate of Initial Mastery, awarded through OBE). However, the<br />

Education Department, in an effort to deflect growing opposition, gives high profile on its<br />

website to a 1996 "Amendment to the Goals 2000 Educate America Act", which "does not<br />

require [any Goals 2000 participant] to provide OBE." [Their case would be greatly<br />

strengthened if they could point to even one Goals 2000 participant who has been authorized<br />

to provide an alternate framework instead of OBE, but none appear anywhere on the site.]<br />

This amendment also states that Goals 2000 itself is a "completely voluntary" program; yet a<br />

clause in the "Elements of the State Goals 2000 Action Plan" requires participating states to<br />

"monitor... [and] improve schools that are not meeting the state content standards voluntarily<br />

adopted by the state," showing that the "voluntary" clause applies only at the state level. And<br />

the states which have already "voluntarily adopted" Goals 2000 currently total 49 or 50 (cited

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