25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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no farther for an answer. But this article is long enough without going into more detail. I<br />

leave that to the many others who are documenting the academic failures of "Goals 2000".]<br />

1. Education as "Rainbow Building"<br />

Alice Bailey saw global education as a "bridging work", referring to the Rainbow concept<br />

on a horizontal level, to prepare mankind for the vertical bridging with the Hierarchy. The<br />

goal is reduced to "the smooth functioning of the One Humanity". [A rather beaurocratic aim,<br />

but one worthy of a directorship that calls itself the "Hierarchy" - and a goal that closely<br />

echoes Aldous Huxley's _Brave New World_ in title, timing and content.] This functioning,<br />

she writes, necessitates removing any obstacles that cause "separation": racial, national,<br />

religious and economic class consciousness. (_Education_ III, p.90) [Sounds great, until we<br />

encounter one notable multi-exception to all of these: Jewish identity, a blend of unique<br />

ethnicity, nationhood and religion producing the worst kind of "separation" there is. At least<br />

Jews are not guilty of "economic class" obstacles. But then again, economic separativeness<br />

clearly does not strike the same chord in NA hearts as other wars against "separation" -<br />

witness the financial elite attending the pivotal "State of the World Forum".]<br />

Bailey indicated four foundational concepts that must be absorbed by schoolchildren:<br />

simplicity (guaranteed to "kill" materialistic thinking), cooperative goodwill, loving<br />

understanding and world citizenship. The child is to be taught to harness his/her "energies"<br />

of life and knowledge in the service of "love". Love is defined here as "group relationship, in<br />

order that knowledge should be subordinated to the group need and interests." This is<br />

achieved by reorienting the educational goals themselves, in three specific ways: (1) The child<br />

is to be taught "from infancy that all that he... is being taught is with the view to the good of<br />

others more than of himself." History is no longer studied from the standpoint of "facts" or<br />

"achievement" but of "racial growth in consciousness". This leads to a consciousness of one's<br />

"responsibility". (2) All of life is qualitatively the same - not only all human life, animate life,<br />

or even all metabolic life, but "the total life pulsing throughout all forms, all kingdoms in<br />

nature, all planets, and the solar system". This leads to a consciousness of "relationship" and<br />

"blood Brotherhood". (3) Everyone is born to "service", a lesson to be reinforced continually<br />

from earliest years through vocational decisions. The end result will be to "link head, heart<br />

and throat into one unified and functioning agency," in individual and group imitation of the<br />

Planetary Logos. (_Education_ III, p.92-94)<br />

But all of this is only the "primary step" to "the building of the antahkarana" on the horizontal<br />

level, also known as the "Science of Right Relations". ["Right human relations" for the Jews<br />

must take on a unique character; this now refers to the rest of Humanity] This is followed by<br />

the "Science of the Antahkarana", or the vertical rainbow-bridge building. The latter,<br />

recognized as a "new and true science of the mind", is a purely spiritual, that is religious,<br />

discipline. Its goals are to "end the fear of death", "negate all separateness", and open<br />

children up to "impressions from the higher spiritual realms. Thus he will more easily be<br />

initiated into the purposes and plans of the Creator." (p.95-96) Clearly "education in the New<br />

Age" is nothing more or less than preparation for the Planetary Initiation.<br />

Building this "second half of the antahkarana" will destroy old "misconceptions" which we<br />

now accept as reality: "the illusion of appearance, the illusion of evolutionary unfoldment<br />

[note that this is first taught as a basic principle; it will later be discarded], the illusion of<br />

separateness, and the illusion of distinctive identity - that illusion which makes us say 'I am.'"<br />

(_Education I, p.24-25) Other "illusions" to be destroyed through education: that war is an<br />

agony to be avoided (it is actually a "surgical operation"), that destruction and world suffering<br />

are evil (the "Custodians of the Plan" see it otherwise) (_Education_ IV, p.111-112)

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