25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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The effect of "Protocols" on the history of Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Moslem relations<br />

hardly needs comment. To this day, most Jews are convinced that "Protocols" is a disgusting<br />

piece of Christian slander, while far too many Christians and nearly all Moslems believe the<br />

book to be an expose of Jewish ambition. From the NA point of view it was and continues to<br />

be a stroke of genius which keeps their main targets at one another's throats, unaware of the<br />

need to unite against the NA Plan to eliminate monotheism. [The success is made more<br />

enjoyable, no doubt, by the irony that they didn't have to invent a story: the Aquarian<br />

conspiracy to rule the world was simply put in the mouths of the Jews, whose own mission to<br />

be "a light to the nations" was easily edited to include the element of forced conquest. The<br />

added bonus is that whenever evidence of a world conspiracy turns up, their main target for<br />

liquidation can catch hell for it!]<br />

The divide-and-conquer strategy also works well within the community, unfortunately.<br />

Orthodox-bashing is where the "change agents" have ample help from the non-orthodox<br />

Jewish sector, who for reasons of their own, see no reason to defend their more observant<br />

brethren - and even enjoy throwing a few punches themselves. The phenomenon is<br />

documented in an article aptly called "Season on the Orthodox", in which author Avi Shafran<br />

reviews a number of serious charges made by secular Jews against religious Jews in the area<br />

of behavior and ethics, all of which were investigated and proven baseless. (See the source,<br />

along with other examples in the "Views on Jews" section.) Shafran's most important point in<br />

this context relates to a typically NA allegation that is most likely to upset the secular Jewish<br />

community: the charge of orthodox separativeness. The rumor that orthodox Judaism<br />

classifies non-orthodox Jews as non-Jews - like the rumor that it brands Gentiles as subhuman<br />

- is totally false; yet secular Jews help undermine the entire community by believing and<br />

repeating it (and naively dismiss the idea that injury to the orthodox community has any effect<br />

on them).<br />

6d. Preventative Indoctrination: The most effective neutralizing strategy is intensive<br />

"education", starting with the new generation. The NA has invested so much in this strategy,<br />

with such success, that an entire section is devoted to it. While today's older adults are still<br />

somewhat resistant to NA transformation, those born in the 1960s have been exposed to little<br />

else.<br />

7. Hiccups in the Transformation<br />

All the NA progress aside, there still seem to be blocks to achieving global transformation.<br />

And they have little or nothing to do with any organized opposition from monotheists, which<br />

is relatively feeble.<br />

7a. Fault lines within NA itself: These have existed from the earliest days of the<br />

Theosophical Society. The organization founded by Helena Blavatsky successively broke into<br />

4 competing religious groups: (1) The Theosophical Society (headed by Annie Besant); (2)<br />

Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner, David Spangler); (3)The Arcane School, the "School of<br />

Ageless Wisdom", and Lucis Trust (Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme, Robert Muller); (4) "I<br />

AM", "The Church Universal and Triumphant" (Guy & Edna Ballard, Elizabeth Clare<br />

Prophet). Even today, cutting comments by one group toward the other(s) can be found.<br />

[Conflicting theologies were not at issue so much as severe ego clashes. All these offshoots<br />

still have in common a reverence for Blavatsky's writings, allegiance to Bailey's "Master"<br />

Djwhal Khul and the Hierarchy, and a commitment to the Plan in its entirety.] Even today,<br />

beneath the "unity" there is an excess of competitive malice, while the leaders exhorting<br />

"simple living" are addicted to luxury and social elitism. Everything has its price, as former<br />

NA leader Randall Baer notes. [For a fascinating and well-documented first-person account,

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