25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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- "the point of Light ...Love" - respectively, the unseen source of mind illumination, or<br />

Lucifer ("lightbearer" of the Logos); and spirit activation, or Maitreya.<br />

- "the Mind... Heart... Will of God" - attributes of the Logos expressed in planetary spheres by<br />

Lucifer ("mind" or intelligence), Maitreya ("heart") and Sanat Kumara ("will" or head, and<br />

Plan); this is why "light" is paired with "mind", "love" with "heart", and "will" with<br />

"purpose". (_Discipleship_, p.158-159, 169.)<br />

- "the centre" - also called "Shamballa", in Hindu mythology the energy core supporting the<br />

Hierarchy; center with a small "c" refers to their earthly headquarters, "the City of the Gods...<br />

a sacred island in the Gobi Desert." (_Externalisation_, p.255; also _Discipleship_, p.159.)<br />

[See the parallel with the "Hyperborea" of gnostic/Nazi tradition.]<br />

- "Let light... love stream forth" - the "light" experience when one encounters a spirit guide<br />

and receives spiritual illumination; the "love" experience when one acknowledges unity with<br />

the All; "stream forth" means to externalize and spread the transformation to others.<br />

- "...center which we call the race of men" - the core of mankind which receives the<br />

Shamballa "energy activation"; the "race" being the "seed" destined to make the "quantum<br />

leap" to the Aquarian Age.<br />

- ...The "Plan of Love and Light work out" - the Plan of the Hierarchy, the group of<br />

disembodied spirit beings represented to us earthlings by the triune "Logos" of Sanat Kumara,<br />

Maitreya and Lucifer . This Plan was dictated verbatim to Alice Bailey. "Plan" is one of<br />

Sanat's attributes, "Love" is the Divine Principle attributed to Maitreya, and "Light" is<br />

Lucifer's trademark (his name means "light-bearer"). To "work out" is to "externalise" from<br />

the spiritual plane to the physical.<br />

- "Let Light descend on Earth" (or in an alternate version, "from the Morning Star... let Christ<br />

stream forth") - let Lucifer (also known as the Morning Star) "externalise" and "anchor the<br />

Plan" on the planet, functioning as the Initiator of mankind into the next level toward<br />

godhood, taking the position of supreme mediator between humanity and the Hierarchy.<br />

- "May Christ return" - a prayer for Maitreya to overshadow as many people as possible, and<br />

finally to inhabit one person in order to act publicly.<br />

- "Let purpose guide the little wills of men" - let the Planetary Logos redirect the reluctant<br />

and/or unaware segments of humanity. Bailey consistently refers to the unitiated as "those<br />

with little wills".<br />

- "The purpose which the Masters know and serve" - "purpose" is equated with "plan" and<br />

"will", the initiative of Sanat Kumara; the "purpose" as Bailey describes it emanates from "the<br />

Council Chamber of Shamballa [which] seeks to influence human will." (_Discipleship_ II,<br />

p.172)<br />

- "Seal the door where evil dwells" (or in another version, "bolt and charge the corridor where<br />

evil spirits tarry") is to shut out the "Black Lodge", those workers of "cosmic evil" who block<br />

the Plan, by eliminating their human tools, those who plunged the world into monotheism (see<br />

Bailey, _The Rays and the Initiations_, p.754-5). In other words, all identifiable Jews.<br />

- "Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth" - permit Lucifer (Light), Maitreya<br />

(Love) and Sanat Kumara (Power) (this is the order of their "externalisation" or appearance<br />

on earth, which must take place in stages) to reactivate the Plan, which was interrupted by the<br />

victory of the Black Lodge. The reactivation involves a deified Earth (capital "E") goddess.<br />

According to researcher Gary Kah ("The Occult Roots of Global Education"), an earlier<br />

(1940) version of The Great Invocation exists, parts of which express the Hierarchy's purpose<br />

in clearer language:<br />

----------------------<br />

Come forth, O Mighty One.<br />

The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.<br />

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.

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