25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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Spiral as an alternate symbol of ascension. Examples are "The Templeton Foundation" which<br />

uses it in their logo, and "The Center for World Thanksgiving" which has actually built spiral<br />

structures at their headquarters. [The eerie resemblance of this "modern architecture" to<br />

ancient ziggurats and towers left by extinct pagan cultures suggests that the symbolism of the<br />

spiral structure is as old and widespread as NA doctrine itself, and that the design of many<br />

pagan temples may indeed have reflected the same theories of human evolution. It also<br />

makes for interesting conjectures about the design and purpose of the Biblical Tower of<br />

Babel, since NA marks its own beginnings in Babylon.]<br />

2a. What happens once this Rainbow Bridge is established?<br />

As Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it, the completion of the Rainbow Bridge will mean the<br />

completion of planetary consciousness, in which all individuality will be surrendered. The<br />

transformation will trigger a kind of "birth". However, like the physical birth process, it's<br />

"dangerous, and there's nothing guaranteed"; it could lead to "a baby that kills the mother", in<br />

other words, "Armageddon". Or it could result in a "normal [collective mass consciousness]<br />

baby". But meanwhile, even progress towards it completion is believed to have an effect on<br />

human events. Hubbard implies that the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 made a great<br />

contribution toward the Bridge building, resulting in (among other changes) the collapse of<br />

Communism. (see Hubbard's interview with "Thinking Allowed" host Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove,<br />

1998)<br />

From Hubbard's point of view, the Bridge is being irrevocably pieced together, and its<br />

completion will be as irreversible as a birth. But from a different source, we learn that the<br />

complete Bridge may also materialize briefly in history, only to dissolve again. Alice Bailey<br />

writes of a temporary formation of the Rainbow Bridge, and proudly points to an example of<br />

what happens when the "Shamballa" force has this kind of "unimpeded" access to humanity:<br />

"the planetary crisis" of "the World War (1914-1945) [sic]." That crisis was "beneficent" in<br />

several ways from a NA point of view, principly in that it flushed out "evil from its hidden<br />

place and brought the opposing forces [challenging the Hierarchy] to the surface of existence,<br />

prior to their 'sealing'." (_Externalisation_ IV, p.535-536 - See related comments where this<br />

evil is likened to a germ and the War to surgery.) From Bailey's, or Djwahl Kuhl's, other<br />

remarks, we can be sure that Hitler's Nazism was not the "evil" being referred to here. We are<br />

told that the "sealing" of evil is "still being carried slowly forward", as the "antahkarana"<br />

nears its final completion.<br />

3. The Role of the Media in Transformation<br />

Of course, no global indoctrination could get far today without cooperation from mass media.<br />

NAers claim that the major news networks are firmly in their camp, not as chroniclers of<br />

human events but as educators of the masses. Global leader Robert Muller enthusiastically<br />

supports such a role for the media, urging "all schools of journalism" and "all media directors"<br />

to make use of his masterpiece on NA education, the World Core Curriculum, which is<br />

already set up in "a framework for World Media Coverage". ("A Letter to All Educators in the<br />

World")<br />

This gives vital context to comments like the following: "Our job is to give people not what<br />

they want, but what we decide they ought to have." (Richard Salant, ex-President, CBS News)<br />

"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects that<br />

we choose to deal with." (Richard Cohan, Sr. Producer, CBS political news) "I do have an ax<br />

to grind... I want to be the little subversive person in television." (Barbara Pyle, CNN<br />

Environmental Director) "I've become even more crafty about finding the voices to say the<br />

things I think are true. That is my subversive mission." (Dianne Dumanoski, _Boston Globe_

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