25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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the Jewish God as Cain, son of Eve by Satan.] The "moral wretchedness" referred to is Jewish<br />

enjoyment of everyday life (everything from meals to sex) and their continual thanksgiving<br />

for every material blessing. This attitude was feared and hated by the gnostics, who<br />

considered the body and the physical world a prison which the mind must reject and transcend<br />

through meditation and magical rites, and escape to the "real" or spiritual world. The<br />

"spiritual wretchedness" is the Jewish "Old Testament", rejected by gnostics as evil, which<br />

teaches that the Creator of heaven and earth is the Most High God. Since materialism is evil,<br />

and "Jehovah" created the physical world, He must be evil as well: not merely a usurper of the<br />

title "God", but in fact Satan. [For more details, see the "Gods" section.] The Jews who<br />

persist in spreading their teachings (in their Bible) are the tools of Satan, and their influence in<br />

the world is deadly to human souls. Hitler reiterated this gnostic doctrine: "The Jew is the<br />

anti-man, the creature of another god. He must have come from another root of the human<br />

race." (Sklar, p.146) [compare with Bailey's similar assessment] Hitler was also known for<br />

his severely simple lifestyle, voluntarily shunning material pleasures, physical appetites and a<br />

meat diet - all classic Gnostic elements of "purification from the world".<br />

The NA cosmology placing the Jews in alliance with cosmic Evil neatly reinforced the Nazi<br />

pursuit of racial purity: not only was the Aryan race threatened with defilement on a genetic<br />

level, but on a spiritual level as well. Both NA and Nazism clearly borrowed from the<br />

Zoroastrian teaching (originating in Persia in the 6th c. BCE and experiencing a comeback<br />

through NA endorsement) and the Cathari, both of whom taught that Moses was an evil<br />

magician who received his law from "the god of Darkness", and that this "Devil caused the<br />

Deluge". (Angeberts, p.262 notes 24,25) The gnostic themes of the Grail quest and the<br />

cosmic struggle between Light and Darkness were portrayed in Richard Wagner's _Parsifal_,<br />

a favorite opera of Hitler. Being an occult initiate, Hitler was aware of the gnostic message<br />

behind "the absurd externals of the story [Parsifal], with its Christian embroidery... [the real<br />

message was] pure, noble blood, in [whose] protection and glorification the brotherhood of<br />

the initiated have come together." (Sklar, p.146, emphasis mine) Gnosticism also clarifies<br />

some otherwise unintelligible proclamations, like those by Nazi apologist Alfred<br />

Rosenberg: "The earth-centered Jew lacks a soul"; and "[The continuing existence of the Jew]<br />

would lead to a void, to the destruction not only of the illusory earthly world but also of the<br />

truly existent, the spiritual." These statements, and also his insistence that "The denial of the<br />

world needs... to grow so that it will acquire a lasting predominance over affirmation of the<br />

world," (Sklar, p.147-148) only makes sense to a Gnostic. [The Theosophy studied by<br />

Rosenberg as a Thulist was his likely source - see similar statements.]<br />

9. Other New-Age Threads Preserved in Nazism<br />

Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler first entered the Thule Society orbit as a fighter in the<br />

Free Corp, by which time he was already a devoted occultist. He was especially fascinated<br />

with reincarnation and karma (individual and racial); he became convinced that he was the<br />

reincarnation of King Heinrich I the Fowler (10th c), who spoke to him in his sleep. (Sklar,<br />

p.85) He was similarly obsessed with legends of the medieval order of Teutonic knights (a<br />

secret brotherhood which required Germanic racial purity for eight generations), the meaning<br />

of ancient Nordic runes, the Hindu/Buddhist idea of sacrificial detachment from the<br />

consequences of daily life, and the precepts of the _Kautilya Arthasastra_, a cynical, amoral<br />

Hindu philosophy utilizing deceit. (Sklar, p.91) When he was given command of the SS, he<br />

molded his Black Guards after a combination of all these. He required his officers to read the<br />

mystical research of SS Colonel and Ahnenerbe member Otto Rahn: _Crusade Against the<br />

Grail_ (1933) and _Lucifer's Court in Europe_ (1936). [Both are available in German and<br />

French only, far as I know.] Himmler's nickname, the "Black Jesuit", stems from his slavish<br />

imitation of the (equally secretive) brotherhood of Jesuit priests, whose literature he avidly

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