25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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y Hannah Newman<br />

Philologos Religious Online Books<br />

Philologos.org<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>RAINBOW</strong> <strong>SWASTIKA</strong><br />

A REPORT TO <strong>THE</strong> JEWISH PEOPLE<br />


by Hannah Newman -- freeway@netvision.net.il<br />

"All societies believe nonsense....<br />

As in cell replication, any given society<br />

sooner or later hits on a chunk of lethal nonsense, and collapses.<br />

In a world of many independent societies, this does not matter much.<br />

But once communication technology has formed a single global society,<br />

the time must come when everyone believes the same lethal nonsense<br />

simultaneously.<br />

Civilization then collapses globally, leaving no seed from which it could rise<br />

again."<br />

(David Jones, quoted by Richard Crews, _CPU Review_, April 1993, p.44)<br />

B. Human History According to the New Age<br />

In spite of cautions like the above, NAers are supremely confident that their society is free of<br />

"lethal nonsense". On the contrary, they are convinced that the very survival of civilization<br />

depends on their success in reshaping mankind's understanding of its own origins and<br />

destiny. In their view, any "lethal nonsense" that exists is to be found in those who do not<br />

accept any of the doctrines that follow.<br />

1. Mankind as a whole is continually evolving upward, physically and/or spiritually. There<br />

is no meaningful difference between material and spiritual in this evolution - what we<br />

consider physical "reality" is maya [Hindu term for illusion], no different from dreams or<br />

imagination. In fact, once men's minds are released from accepting the "illusion" of physical

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