25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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stated above, the material is either directly quoted or summarized from explanations by<br />

leading New Age spokesmen and their disciples - not what others say about them. Direct<br />

quotes are noted with the source, and sources for my summaries can be provided. Those<br />

sources which I know are available on the Internet are hot-linked for your convenience. Any<br />

comments of my own or from non-NA sources are in [brackets]. Only the last part (A Jewish<br />

Response) is completely drawn from my own thoughts.<br />

2. "Who's worried about a lunatic fringe group?" As you will see later, Alice Bailey was<br />

one of the most antisemitic occultists of this century. For those who insist that Bailey's<br />

doctrine is safely marginalized among obscure occultists, it will come as a shock to discover<br />

that she was indirectly awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, and that her<br />

teachings are already incorporated in schools around the world, including U.S. public schools<br />

(via the "Goals 2000" program). "Lunatic," perhaps. "Fringe"? No longer. Especially not with<br />

global star Robert Muller openly promoting her teachings.<br />

The "Benevolent Conspiracy" (as New Age leader Marilyn Ferguson called it, back in 1980)<br />

has been so successful that today it is the standard for social, political and religious<br />

acceptability. It is consciously supported by a surprising number of prominent public figures<br />

and grassroots groups (although not all are aware of the antisemitism), and its teachings are<br />

being unknowingly absorbed by many more. For these reasons alone, it is urgent that we be<br />

informed about their platform.<br />

I have heard from skeptics who don't doubt the existence of a New Age conspiracy<br />

(benevolent or otherwise), and who recognize the danger to the Jewish people, but who are<br />

sure that such a movement will never have the world support to pull off its agenda. They point<br />

to the repeated postponements of New Age predictions of a World Teacher emerging by a<br />

certain date to guide mankind into a 'planetary (Luciferic) initiation', a one-world government<br />

and a "new age". These delays are actually the result of Divine veto - for now - which New<br />

Agers indirectly acknowledge and which they unable to circumvent. To attribute these<br />

glitches to a disorganized movement is dangerous, and ignores the fact that the growth of<br />

New Age influence worldwide is solidifying exponentially each year. Read before you scoff,<br />

please.<br />

3. "You can't generalize about the New Age Movement; it's too broad and variable for all<br />

those groups to be lumped with Alice Bailey." Whether they name Bailey as the source for<br />

their beliefs is not important - the test is whether they embrace her philosophy. I have yet to<br />

find a group calling itself "New Age" that does not anticipate and welcome the demise of the<br />

"Old Age". Most do not question who set the parameters for the "old" which has to go, they<br />

do not presume to challenge the "Ancient Wisdom". If they are reciting The Great<br />

Invocation, relying on spirit guides for enlightenment, denouncing "separatism" as the world's<br />

great evil, and/or denigrating Judaism as "an outmoded spiritual system", then they are<br />

Bailey's disciples teaching Bailey's creeds. [For other commonalities, see below]<br />

Notes for Opponents of New Age Teaching:<br />

It's a rare individual these days who does not have a friend or relative mesmerized by the New<br />

Age light-and-love doubletalk. If you do, you know how painful it is to watch someone close<br />

to you losing their psychological stability, abandoning their normal responsibilities and

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