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THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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accordingly.] In their 1995 report to the UN, "Our Global Neighborhood" (available on line),<br />

this distinguished panel outlines the results of over 7 years of careful work. In the Foreword,<br />

the Co-Chairmen go to great pains to reassure the reader that global "governance" is "not<br />

global government", lest we think a worldwide police-state is in the making. And yet, they<br />

admit that governance cannot function without "systems and rules", and must in fact enforce<br />

them: "The very essence of global governance is the capacity of the international community<br />

to ensure compliance with the rules of society." (Chap. 6, "Enforcing International Law") We<br />

are also promised that national sovereignty will be respected; however, a nation's sovereignty<br />

is "limited by the fundamental interests of humanity, which in certain severe circumstances<br />

must prevail over the ordinary rights of particular states." (Chp. 2, "Adopting Old Norms")<br />

[The circumstances which override national self-determination are not specified, but<br />

according to UN-supported philosopher Alice Bailey, it is in the "fundamental interests of<br />

humanity" to eliminate both territorial nationalism and the "Jewish problem" which gave rise<br />

to the sovereign Zionist state.]<br />

To "ensure compliance" there is a "UN World Constitution" which includes an agreement by<br />

"the governments of the nations... to order their separate sovereignties into one government,<br />

to which they surrender their arms." Other arrangements include: A UN Trusteeship Council<br />

which will take control of the "global commons", or all international waters and air space; a<br />

UN Economic Security Council to set up a global funding and barter system, with the power<br />

to withhold funding from uncooperative nations; a single monetary and taxation system that<br />

will require all commerce to be conducted via a universally registered credit number for each<br />

earth citizen; and a standing UN army to assume peacekeeping responsibilities in areas of<br />

conflict (pinpointed by Dr. Henry Lamb, Executive VP of the Environmental Conservation<br />

Organization and Chairman of Sovereignty International). [See also the research of<br />

government insider Gary Kah, _En Route to Global Occupation_, which documents the early<br />

covert activities of the "World Constitution and Parliament Association" during the early to<br />

mid 1980s.]<br />

UN Global Management is shared by the Five Regional Groups. These five Regions,<br />

created over 50 years ago, are the member-pool for all voting members of all the UN<br />

commissions, councils, committees, working groups and other decision-making forums. The<br />

UN Charter states: "Regional groups are for the UN increasingly important potential partners<br />

whose cooperation could be engaged... to delegate responsibility." (Chap. VIII) The UN<br />

report, "Renewing the United Nations: a Programme for Reform", submitted in July 1997 by<br />

the Executive Coordinator for Reform, Mr. Maurice Strong [himself a dedicated NA disciple],<br />

specifies that the Regional Groups "will be intensified and they will increasingly become<br />

partners of the UN." (Point No. 116) The major structural changes proposed for the new UN<br />

"can be done only with the approval" of these five Groups. (UN report, "UN Reform: the First<br />

Six Weeks", Feb. 1997) For over 50 years, all member-states of the UN (now numbering<br />

188) have been assigned a place among these Regional Groups - except one. Israel has been<br />

denied membership in any Regional Group, making the Jewish State the only nation unable to<br />

make a meaningful contribution to this global body since her admission 51 years ago. [This is<br />

a long and interesting story - see my report entitled, "A Nation That Dwells Alone". Pay<br />

particular attention to the final update, which exposes the mockery of Israel's more recent<br />

"admission to membership" in a Regional Group.] The 1998 report of the UN Environmental<br />

Program (UNEP) omits any mention of Israel in its 264 pages, in spite of this country's<br />

notable contributions to the environment. Where mention of that country is unavoidable in<br />

the Western Asia section, it is labeled "Palestine". (_B'nai Brith News_, March 9, 1998) Even<br />

the "Committee on Mid East Questions", a branch of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (136<br />

democracies) has no Israeli presence, in spite of 3 vacant seats (as of Sept. 1998) and the fact

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