25.02.2013 Aufrufe

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA - Scattered Seed Ministries


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5. Who Will Direct World Affairs Under the Plan?<br />

5a. Naturally, it is the "Hierarchy" who will ultimately control world affairs when the<br />

"Christ reappears" physically, "leading to the definite restoration of the Mysteries." (Alice<br />

Bailey, _Externalisation_, p.570.) Their closest assistants on the human plane, according to<br />

Foster Bailey, Alice's husband, are the higher-level initiates in the Masons: "When the<br />

Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true function, the G.M. [Grand Master] will<br />

also resume his ancient prerogatives, for he will be chosen for his initiate rank, and that<br />

involves initiate knowledge. He will be restored to his ancient status, and his right to authority<br />

will be recognized." (_The Spirit of Masonry_, p.79) NA philosopher and Masonic leader<br />

Manly P. Hall concurs that the Masonic Grand Master is at the final level of human contact<br />

with the "spiritual consciousness" that originates in the "spiritual hierarchy". (_The Lost Keys<br />

of Freemasonry_, p.35-36) Alice also looked forward to a future Masonic Movement which,<br />

"when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing<br />

condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power.<br />

(_Externalisation_, p.511) [Note Hitler's partiality to certain of the "old" Masonic lodges, in<br />

the Nazism section. Also, for a wealth of direct quotes confirming the Luciferian orientation<br />

of the top Masonic leadership, see Gary Kah, _En Route to Global Occupation_)<br />

5b. Mouthpiece of the Hierarchy: a "New" United Nations. This world body as it functions<br />

today is only a shadow of what NA leaders envision for it. Robert Muller, who invested at<br />

least 30 years of his life there, loses no opportunity to sing its praises, calling the UN "the<br />

meta-organism of human and planetary evolution." ("A Letter to All Educators in the<br />

World") He dedicated his landmark book, _New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality_, to<br />

"the United Nations, the first universal organization of this planet." Muller expects the UN to<br />

bring nothing less than "a moral and spiritual Renaissance." (_The Temple of Understanding<br />

Newsletter_, Spring 1995) Both he and the Hindu mystical teacher-in-residence at the UN,<br />

Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, go so far as to speak of the UN as a spiritual entity, or perhaps<br />

the collective channel for the Spiritual Entity expected to arrive: "No human force will ever<br />

be able to destroy the United Nations, for the UN is not a mere building or a mere idea; it is<br />

not a manmade creation. The UN is the vision-light of the Absolute Supreme.... The divine<br />

success and supreme progress of the United Nations is bound to become a reality. At his<br />

choice hour, the Absolute Supreme will ring his own victory-bell here on Earth through the<br />

loving and serving heart of the United Nations." (Muller quoting Chinmoy, "My Testament to<br />

the UN") But Muller is aware that the present UN does not have the power needed to fulfil its<br />

mission: "The world's survival requires an enormously strengthened second generation United<br />

Nations." ("Fifty Years Later: A Testimony", 1995)<br />

At some point, Robert Muller himself may be tapped to head this New UN, an event which<br />

seemed close to happening in 1995. [His decision at that time to withdraw I suspect was a<br />

matter of timing; he is slated to head the "second generation", which was not fully ready in<br />

1995.] But even if Muller never officially leads the UN, his leadership in it is assured. As his<br />

NA colleague Barbara Marx Hubbard writes, Muller "has a full scale plan of action to carry<br />

us into the 21st century. He 'wins' in influence, no matter whether or not he is elected [to the<br />

post of UN Secretary General]. He activates the support of the critical mass... to support the<br />

advanced United Nations that he advocates." (_The Social Potential Movement_, p.18) [For a<br />

taste of what Muller has already activated, see his role in New Age education.]<br />

One key group, the "UN Commission on Global Governance", called a World Conference in<br />

1998 "for the purpose of submitting to the world the necessary treaties and agreements for<br />

ratification and implementation by the year 2000." [The attempt to obtain ratification in 2000<br />

failed, but the patient NA Planners have merely scaled down their incremental progress

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